27: Decision

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It's getting colder and colder as Eren pours his heart into every attempt to gain Levi's attention. Four days have already gone by, and Christmas is looking to be just around the corner. It's agonising. Eren mewls sadly, curled in his little box, trying to gain warmth from the clothes he once wore but is now stuffed into his cardboard house. The corners of his makeshift bed are lightly soaked, wet from the snow that has fallen around it. Eren's fur is dirty and damp. Everything is cold. The winter is horrific, this damn box is pathetic, much like the state of the cat sleeping within its walls.

Honestly Eren thought he would have cracked Levi by now. It's been days with everyone's Christmas lights now shining throughout night. The streets are hustling and bustling with the holiday coming very soon. Every opportunity Eren gets, he's at Levi's window trying to peer in and see what the raven haired boy is up to. The curtains are usually closed, Levi's attempts at keeping Eren out of his sight. There's always a gap in the curtains, however, and Eren can always spot Levi in a ball on his bed, looking absolutely miserable. Since Levi doesn't want to talk to him, Eren spent the last day simply sitting on his window sill, watching Levi walk in and out of his bedroom.

Oh, and what about food? Well, there is no food. Not for Eren. He doesn't steal anything doesn't beg for anything, just sits, and waits patiently for Levi to give him notice. It doesn't really happen. At all. In fact, the older teen is a pro at simply ignoring Eren. Paying him no mind seems to be a talent. Out of sight, out of mind, they say. From Eren's perspective, that seems to be the case.

'He's really not going to talk to me,' Eren sighs out sadly as another day flies by. Two days until Christmas. He shivers violently, the clothes not really doing anything to keep him warm anymore. It's become apparent that Levi is as stubborn as a rock. To put a crack in it Eren would have to find something strong and impactful. But he has nothing. He stares longingly up at the house knowing that Kenny and Kuchel would have left for work by now, and that Levi is at home moping in his room. It would be the perfect time to make an attempt for attention.

'One more try can't hurt,' Eren thinks to himself, and stiffly moves onto his four legs. He leaps out of his box that's perched close to the Ackerman residence and makes his way to the front of the house. He halts. There's a familiar person at the door, certainly one Eren hadn't expected.

"Levi! Knock, knock! Come on, mopey, open up the door!"


The girl bangs on the door rather obnoxiously, dressed in a winter coat that looks so fluffy and warm from where Eren is standing. He blinks in shock as after such little time the door is opened and Levi stands there to greet the woman.

"Finally!" Petra grins from ear to ear, looking ridiculously happy at the sight of the smaller man. Even Eren finds a delight in seeing his form. Hiding behind the mailbox, Eren watches them both carefully. In his mind he has to wonder, what is Petra's business coming here? But then his eyes spot a small bag that's behind the girl's back, something he hadn't noticed before. The bag is brown and overflowing with clothes, and Eren suddenly has alarm bells ringing in his head. Why else would Petra be carrying a bag filled with clothes?! Obviously it's because she's staying. The night.

No, no! Absolutely not! Eren will not allow such a crime to transpire! Why on earth is Levi even allowing this?! Is it... is this just to get back at Eren? Is Levi trying to get under Eren's claws? Because if so, it's working!

Eren cannot believe his eyes as the two of them enter the house, the door shuts locking Eren out once more. That door closing on him again sinks in deeper than it did before. Maybe it's because Levi shut it while bringing someone else in. Someone who Eren knows gets under Levi's skin a lot. Someone who used to annoy him and now... now what? Now there's a woman going into the building where Eren should be, but instead he's been left in the cold to shiver and cry out for warmth. Levi's warmth, specifically. Despite how he has been shut out again, Eren's terrible mind creating outrageous scenarios leads him to more determination. If he can't get in, he'll have to spy once more from the outside to discover what Levi's intentions with Petra are. Or maybe what Petra intends to do with Levi.

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