Letter 5

185 7 0


You seem to think you will find me. Announcing it, won't help you. You will grow to regret this whole thing if you continue this investigation. Leave me be. Weren't we all created with free will? Well, let me do what I want.

I saw you today. I saw you in the pub. You were with that kid. I was watching you from a distance. You didn't even acknowledge me. You sat in the left side corner of the room. The waiter even let you have drinks on the house, which I find unfair since I never get any on the house.

How's Nessy? Did she enjoy her shower this morning? She has a mighty find body, you're lucky to have her.

I must go now. I have a date with a prostitute.

Yours sincerely,

The Fear Killer.

P.s you might want to warn people about telling people their fears.

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