Letter 15

129 8 0

Howdy detective,

Guess what I watched today? Why am I even asking you.... It's not like you're going to answer me. Well, anyway, I watched Scream. I got ideas, I even tested them out on your mother-in-law. I rang her. I frightened her. It was funny seeing some elderly woman scared. Does that make me a sicko? Of course it doesn't. I'm the only sane one in this world.

I played a game with her. I played guess who. I described you. I described your brown mop hair style. Your blue shimmering eyes. She answered with you. I told her she was wrong. I launched myself through the patio doors. I cut her from her collarbone and down towards the bottom of her stomach. I pulled her intestines out.

I think I should watch more horror movies, maybe, they'll give me better ways to kill people. Good luck finding me, sucker!

Yours sincerely.

The iron ripper.

P.s I think I'm in need of a new serial killer name. Any ideas, detective? Oh, wait, sorry, you can't tell me. Never mind.

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