Future Boyfriend

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Yoosung looked at the ongoing party in front of him. The RFA had decided to host a Halloween party just for the fun of it. Many of the invitees were delighted to see that they will be having one, not only was it beneficiary to others, it was also enlightening because they got to celebrate Halloween in whatever costume they chose. It was like reliving a part of your childhood all over again.

Everyone was excited. Yoosung especially. He loved the idea of dressing up in costumes. He found the concept of being anything you ever dreamed of to be thrilling. No one could really judge you personally if you chose not to reveal your identity. Yoosung wanted to do that but thought, 'Why hide my identity this year? I'm going to go out there and rock this costume. It's going to be great!' He mentally fist pumped his hand high in the air. An afterthought then came to him, 'Also since I am one of the hosts, the guests should be able to recognize me.'

The days went by and the day of the party was drawing nearer. Yoosung couldn't help but make adjustments to his costume every now and then. It was either "This doesn't match with the outfit", or "What is this supposed to be? I'm pretty sure that it doesn't belong here", lastly "Nope! I am not wearing that to the party. It looks like I just patched things together to form a costume!"

Wiping the sweat off of his brow, the party in less than twenty four hours, Yoosung deemed his costume ready. "This is it. I'll either make it or break it. Either way, I am still going to enjoy this Halloween party! No matter what comes my way."

Yoosung turned as he scanned the room. Everyone was having a great time. The costumes they wore ranged from simple to elegant to an outstanding creation. It delighted Yoosung to see that despite their age, everyone participated in showing the Halloween spirit. Well, everyone except Seven. Whom was now casually making his way over to him.

Yoosung looked at Seven confused. Was Seven alright? He wasn't wearing a costume. Just his regular clothing. Had he forgotten that this was a costume party? Did he just not want to participate with the others? Did he not think that Halloween was one of the most anticipated holidays? Did he not want to enjoy the holiday by dressing up with Yoosung?

Yoosung felt a bit sad at that last thought. As sudden as those thougts came, his anger suddenly started to bubble up to the surface. If Seven didn't care to dress up for the sake of the party, why did he care to come?!
Yoosung was furious as Seven finally came to a stop in front of him. He had a big grin on his face.

"Hiya Yoosung! Looking great in that LOLOL themed costume. Are you dressed up as your character? You look quite cute in it." Seven said this as if it was the natural thing to say.

Yoosung on the other hand blushed a bright red despite feeling angry towards his best friend. He was about to answer back but got cut off by a photographer asking to take a picture of the two.

Along with the invitees, Jumin suggested to have photographers to capture genuine moments of the guests enjoying themselves. They would also ask to take pictures of those in their costumes. If you were to ask them to take a picture, they would gladly comply. Zen agreed with him saying, "Well they are going to take the most pictures of me, but I'll be handling them. I know a lot of photographers who would love to have this opportunity!"

Yoosung not wanting to say no to the photographer said yes. He looked at the photographer's costume, all the photographers wore a costume as well, as they waited for them to take a picture. It only reminded Yoosung why he was mad in the first place. So when the photographer said "Smile!" Yoosung whispered yelled to Seven while smiling for the picture.

"THIS." A flash went off. IS. Another flash. SUPPOSED. Another photographer joined in. TO. Two alternate flashes went off. BE. Seven kept his genuine smile in place. A. Yoosung lowly growled at the blinding light. COSTUME. More photographers joined in. PARTY. Mulitple flashes went off at once. He turned to Seven as soon as the photographers were all gone and were going to take pictures of he others.

"I know. I dressed up." Seven said nonchalantly. He then proceeded to motion to his supposed costume which consisted of his usual attire.

Yoosung looked him up and down as if saying. "This? This is your costume? Are you kidding me?" He put a hand to his forehead and motioned with his free hand and said, "Pray tell, what did you dress up as?"

Seven replied quickly without any hesitation.

"Your future boyfriend."

Yoosung nearly choked on his spit. He looked at Seven wide eyed. Seven only stared back at him. His eyes showing the same glow when he greeted Yoosung earlier.

Wait. What?! Correction. WHAT?! Did I hear Seven correctly or was it just me? Seven knows that I am bi, but like what? Is the real Seven present? I must have heard him wrong. Yeah, that must be it. He tried to convince himself so, but his burning cheeks indicated he hadn't succeeded.

"M-May you repeat t-that? What is y-your costume a-again?"

Seven laughed lightly and Yoosung felt something tingling inside of him. "Alright. I am dressed up as me! Cause who can be better at being me than me!"

Yoosung basically sighed in relief. "Oh thank God. I thought you were actually dressed up as my future boyfriend." He said this out loud, although a part of him wanted Seven to actually mean it.

Seven laughed again and said, "I'm just messing with you! I am dressed up as your future boyfriend!" Yoosung only stared at Seven wondering if he should be confused, happy, or mad.

Once Yoosung was over his intial shock that Seven had actually dressed up as his future boyfriend, Seven looked him up and down and started wriggling his eyebrows.

Yoosung flushed a deep red color. He became a stuttering mess under Seven's intense stare. He felt underdressed today. Whew. Was it hot in here? He needed some fresh air to clear his head.

He went to one of the doors going outside and heard Seven walking behind him.

"H-Hey are you o-okay?" Seven asked unsure of Yoosung's thoughts at the moment.

Yoosung stayed quiet. His mind not fully wrapping around the concept that Seven might actually like him.

"Look I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable... I just... I just wanted to confess to you about how I felt. I've been wanting to do this for so long now."

Before long, Seven had cupped Yoosung's face in his hands gently and pulled him in for a sweet long kiss. Of course Yoosung was a bit shocked at first, but then he melted into the kiss, placing his hand on top of Seven's.

When they pulled apart, Yoosung softly said, "Guess you aren't dressed up as my future boyfriend anymore."

Heyyy?? Okay look. I am really sorry that I haven't updated in quite a while. I was going to update last week but some unexpected events came up and I couldn't write on here. I've been thinking all about the plots for this story too. But what better time than to post a Halloween story?? On Halloween! So yeah... I'll try my best to get back to you all. If I don't get distracted and pull an all nighter just to get this out. See ya on the next one!

~Faded Angel signing out~

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