What I'm Thankful For

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MC draped the red and white checkered cloth on the picnic table. As soon as she finished, Jaehee set down a centerpiece that included miniature pumpkins, grapes, and flowers of red, yellow, and orange.

"Great work MC." Jaehee stated as she pecked MC on the lips.

MC smiled, a bit dazed from the kiss. "Thank you Jaehee! I couldn't have done it without my absolutely stunning girlfriend. Don't you think?"

Both of the girls laughed before MC wrapped her arms around Jaehee's neck and leaned in to kiss her again.

Seven looked at the couple and sighed. He wished he could do that with Yoosung. The young boy had been very oblivious towards his advances. Seven was sure the whole RFA knew that Seven has a crush on Yoosung. They even sat him down to confirm that the fact was true for goodness sake! It was painfully obvious. At times, he wondered how Yoosung didn't notice his attraction to him. He didn't know how long he could keep this up. Seven just wanted to pull Yoosung close and kiss him like there was no tomorrow.

The others had suggested that he do it today. They all assured him that it was going to work. Even Jumin said he could pull it off and Jumin isn't usually wrong. The support from his friends gave him enough confidence to go through with it. He already had a plan in mind. If everything went right, this could be the best Thanksgiving he has ever had.

Yet when he saw Yoosung waving at him from afar, Seven stood frozen to the spot as he felt his knees go weak. The butterflies in his stomach started to flutter as Yoosung ran over to them. A smile was plastered on Yoosung's face as he basically tackled Seven into a hug. Seven blushed at the sudden contact, but he somehow managed to put his arms around the younger boy. Yoosung pulled away from him, a little too soon in his opinion, and went to go hug MC and Jaehee as well.

'Seven, calm down. It's just Yoosung. Don't let his cuteness distract you from the plan. You can do this. I know you can.' After taking a few breaths in to calm himself and the butterflies that were going crazy at the thought of Yoosung, the aforementioned boy went back to converse with Seven.

"Hey Seven! Happy Thanksgiving! Sorry for running up to you like that earlier." Yoosung rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

Seven smiled widely. "Aww! It's okay! We all know how excited you can be. Happy Thanksgiving as well."

"So... How are you doing? I haven't seen you in ages! I'm so glad I finished up my schoolwork just in time to attend this mini gathering of ours!" Yoosung emphasized his statement by waving his hands around rapidly.

'Aren't I grateful that you did, otherwise if you hadn't finished up your homework, I'd have to find another way to confess to you.' Seven thought. Out loud he said, "Yoosung doing homework?! I never thought I'd get to see the day!" He put one hand to his forehead and slightly leaned on Yoosung, who was right beside him.

Yoosung giggled and pushed Seven off of him. "Yeah I know it seems really weird. I guess I just realized what I was doing with my life. I don't want to mourn over Rika forever. Although I haven't fully gotten over her death, I decided to get on with my life by fulfilling what she wanted me to accomplish. It's not only for her, I realize that now, it's also for me. For my future. I don't want to end up as a lost soul who never got over something. I want to move on." Yoosung finished.

"Woah. Yoosung... You seem to have thought about this really hard. I am so proud of you. You're on your way to moving on with your life." Seven beamed at him. Seven was truly proud of Yoosung. He couldn't be happier for him. He just wished that he could be a part of his future.

Seven slinged an arm around Yoosung's shoulders and ruffled his hair with his free hand. "My little Yoosung is growing up!" Yoosung let Seven ruffle his hair as he chuckled.

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