Chapter 3 - "Let The Games Begin"

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-~-~ Ari ~-~-

I woke to an alarm whirling, causing me to jump up. I knew what it meant as soon as I heard it: War Games. Sweet. We hadn't had one in weeks. War Games are where all the squads together and see who's the best via "friendly" competitions. Fairly simple. We don't use live ammo, so no one actually dies, obviously. We do use stun rounds though, so if you get hit, it's still gonna hurt.

Out squad has a total of 29 people, the average amount is thirty. Each squad has a color, this time ours is orange. In twenty minutes our whole squad is suited and ready. The trainers meet us at the entrance to the simulation field(a huge simulator room that can change to basically any terrain).

And after a small briefing by the trainers, we were off. The point of the "games" is simple. Sabotage the enemy weapon caches and med-bay to eliminate them. The last team standing wins. Simple. Given, there are ten other squads out there trying to win also. Why we do this? For the sake of competition and training, I guess. Or for no reason. Anyhow, I love them.

"We should split into two groups, one defending one assaulting," Fabia spoke as we stepped into the simulation field. The weapon cache had 31 pistols, 12 rifles, and 3 shotguns. We split the weapons based on who was best with what, I ended up with a rifle and a pistol, Fabia with two pistols. We then split into two groups, me and Fabia leading the assault with a total of 14 people, Flint and Jace leading the defense with 15. I took a second to assess the landscape.

It was a fairly wooded landscape, lots of trees and bushes alike. To the right hand side I saw building dotted around, although with all the trees, bushes, and rocks, finding cover shouldn't be that hard.

We moved south first, sending scouts to snake off in certain directions. So far, it didn't seem like I could use range to my advantage, so I stuck to my pistol, resting it in my hands, my finger just above the trigger. By now it was just natural. For me.

A few minutes south and we found the first encampment. Purple had set up forward positions on top of a hill, their encampment in a small gorge below. Smart for a forward assault but I knew the way around it. Fabia said it before I could.

"Set up snipers on the edge of the gorge, pick off as many as you can, then we'll do a frontal assault," she said, basically taking the words right out of my mouth.

We rushed to the edge of the gorge. Only those who had rifles came because we were the best shots.

"Start at the top and work your way down. Clay, Andre, and I will take any who spot us or try to take shots at us," I felt like a leader for a little. It felt nice.

"Ready... Go," they began picking off the guards at the top. After a couple got tagged a few noticed where we were. Andre had them so I moved on.

Some of the purples below had noticed us also, so I tagged as many as I could before I had to duck to avoid an oncoming shot. It hit worryingly close. I just continued to tag the purples below.

Movement in the corner of my eye caused me to look up. Fabia and them had been spotted. Shit. A group of purples were moving towards their position.

"They've been spotted. Clay tag as many of the purples as you can," he nodded and fired a few shots towards the purples. Most of them hit.

I activated the communicator on my wrist,"Fabia, you've been spotted. Expect company."

"Got it," came the reply after a few seconds. I deactivated it and addressed the rest of the squad.

"Alright. Keep it up," I said, and returned to picking off purples down below.

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