Chapter 4 - "First Blood"

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-~-~ Fabia ~-~-

As soon as Ari radioed in that we'd been spotted, I jumped into action. I tapped a couple squad-mates near me, pointing towards a grove of trees just west of our hiding pit. They understood right away, and sprinted towards the grove.

"Hold here as long as you can. We'll come from behind," I said the the remaining part of the squad, then I followed to the grove. I saw the group of purples that Ari had mentioned. Two or three hung back, seemingly hurt or tendon to injured. They probably got tagged by Ari's group.

"As soon as they engage, move in," I half paid attention to what I was saying as I readied my weapons. I set one pistol in the holster on my right side, the other I held at the ready. They were moving quickly, so pretty soon they were almost to the others.

"They had probably figured out that we were waiting to do a frontal assault, that's why they charged forward,"I pondered as I watched the purples start to engage our fellow squad mates. The two others with me charged forward and engaged from behind them. By the time the purples had noticed, half had them had fallen. I noticed the chance we had.

I radioed Ari,"Ari, we got purples occupied up here. Go for the cache and med-bay,"

"Got it," came the reply. A few seconds later I heard an explosion in the crevice holding the purple base. Then came the announcement:

"Purple has been eliminated due to destruction of their weapon cache and bed-bay," the purples were teleported out a few seconds later. Cheers came out from our squad. We then began to he's back towards the camp. I radioed the camp on the way there.

"Camp please check in," I said hoping we weren't in trouble back there.

"Check," I was relived to hear the reply, "We got word that purple, yellow, and grey are goners. Any of this your handiwork?"

"We took purple just now. Arriving back in a bit. A couple injured, nothing too serious. Any attacks on home base?"

"All good here. We saw a few scout groups of various colors, none of them engaged though."

"Got it. Radio in for any problems. Eagle out."

I tuned off my communicator and continued the trek towards camp.

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