Chapter 8 - "Their Edge"

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-~-~ Fabia ~-~-

Over the course of the next few weeks, it was mission after mission to try and push back the enemy. For some reason, it didn't feel wrong to be fighting without knowing who these people were.

We assumed used "primitive" technology(by that I mean not guns), but the weapons they used were actually very technologically advanced. The spears themselves aren't dangerous, actually, it's blunt when it's not armed, but when armed it could slice through basically anything like it was a price of paper. What this material was, well, I'm not sure but whatever it was, it's giving them the edge they needed to hold out.

So far, all the places we have

attacked have been to small to be a base of operations. Outposts most likely.

Slowly, we accrued more and more victories. Our squad had no casualties so far, but that can all change in an instant. War can be costly, especially on the mind and body. You could be the reason someone lives or not, and you have to live with the decisions you make, there are no "do-overs" in real life. I've trained my whole life for a leading role, and I feel pretty comfortable in situations where stress can easily overtake your senses.

Though I've never really thought about it, somehow war just became a normal thing to me. I guess even in unusual situations, you can feel comfortable about things. Although, I'm not sure I can give advice in that department. I grew up and a very... "Interesting" situation.

Through your day to day life, I'm sure you don't think much of the "little things." When you go home, you eat, relax, and go to sleep, or some form of that pattern. Now imagine you knew nothing about your parents, nothing about your birth, nothing about what a "normal life" even is. Welcome to my life. A life at war, where every waking moment you have to stay alert. One simple slip up, one mistake, one trip up, and that's it. A simple difference for life or death. When you live like that, you live to not make mistakes. Ever. And that's one of the hardest things anyone can ever do.

From what I've told you, you may think that I like to be alone, or not. Well either way, I don't like to be lonely. No one really does, even if they say. And for those of you who do like to be alone, I say this: Be thankful for those who are around you. Be with other people, get out, get around. Because sometimes, in certain situations, you don't get the choice to be alone or not. That's one reason I stay alone sometimes. Because when you're out there, you also have no choice to be alone or not. And a lot of you may not even understand that. But when you're at war, there is a very small amount of people you can trust. You turn one corner, and all of a sudden, everything wants to kill you. And that's not an exaggeration.



Okay, so this chapter is a bit shorter than most of my others. I've been busy with school starting, and I also have my own life as a person, so I'm sorry for post so infrequently. Writing is and always will be one of my passions, however, and recently I've had a lot more inspiration to write, and hopefully, a lot more time on my hands to actually do the writing. Thanks for all of the love and support, while this story may not get HUNDREDS of reads, it is an original, and those tend to not get as many reads. Again, I thank you.

"Vivamus vitae maxime - Live life to the fullest"

Sincerely, J

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