Untitled Part 4

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*OMG sorry this chapter is so bad, I'm writing it is the middle of the night.. Next chapter will be better!*

Sophie sat in her room, playing with Iggy. Today had been such a fun day! She actually really liked spending time with Keefe. Whatever. Sophie put Iggy in his cage and went to sleep. Everything would be better in the morning.

The next morning, Sophie was at Foxfire heading to class.

"Hey, Sophie!" Biana shouted. Sophie slowed down to wait for her and Fitz.

"Hey guys,"Sophie exclaimed. Fitz waved. Normally this was the time where she would blush and her heart would flutter, but surprisingly it didn't this time. 

"What's up?"asked Keefe as he joined them. Of course, now Sophie would start blushing like mad, she needed to get away so no one would notice.

"Um bye, I have to get to class!"Sophie said and zoomed off. She was so thrown off that she spilled her potion on the teacher, ruining her cape, and and her own hands had a reaction to it, so she had to go to Elwin.

Of course, she just HAD to run into Keefe on the way. She sped up, pretending not to see him, but he called her name.

"Hey, Sophie!" She slowed down and he came up besides her.

"Are you going to Elwin's office again? Actually, why do I even ask at this point?"Keefe laughed to himself.

"Well, I don't have to ask either, you're either going to Dame Alina's office or skipping class." They arrived at Elwin's office.

"You know me so well, and hey, since I don't have a pass., I'll just come in with you to your private doctor," Keefe teased.

"Shut up," Sophie muttered.

"Hey, how's my favorite patient?" Elwin asked, "And Keefe, I'm assuming you need a hall pass because you were helping your friend Sophie?"

"Yeah, thanks." Keefe received his pass and waved to Sophie, mouthing "Good Luck!"

"Here, Sophie. I need you to take this elixir and when you wake up you'll be good as new," Elwin said.

Sophie downed the elixir, and then she was falling, falling, falling...

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