Vacker Slumber Party Pt. 1

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"Mom, pleeeease?" Sophie begged.

"Sophie, you were just in the Healing Center. It's probably best you stay home tonight, just to make sure you're feeling totally fine," Edaline reasoned.

"Edaline honey, Sophie says she's feeling fine now. Let's let her go," Grady said, and smiled at Sophie.

"Okay, if you're really fine, Sophie. Just promise me you will hail Grady or me if you start to feel hurt again!" Edaline worried. 

"But ABSOLUTELY NO funny business with the Vacker or Sencen boy!" Grady called strongly.

"Ughhh, Dad!!! You know I won't, but I promise. Thank you, love you, bye!" Sophie gave Iggy a quick scratch on the head and went out the door. She raised her pathfinder to the light, and said "Everglen."

***********************************************************************************************After lightleaping, Sophie walked through the gate at Everglen. She knocked on the door, and Biana rushed to the door.

"Sophie, come on! Let's go up to my room! Keefe is here, but when Tam, Linh, and Dex get here we are going to play Base Quest, and then... a secret game!" Biana shouted and started running up the stairs. Sophie followed, but she was kind of worried about the "secret game" Biana was talking about. What could it be? 

On the 3rd floor, she saw Keefe, and he gave her one of her signature smirks. Sophie kept running up the stairs, but she couldn't hide her smile. Finally, they arrived at Biana's room, heaving.

"So, Sophie! Any crush- you know what, we can talk about that later! SO, I was thinking we can do makeovers!" Biana announced excitedly! RIIIING! 

AAH, saved by the doorbell! "Hey, Tam, Linh and Dex must be here! Let's go get them!" Sophie shouted, glad that she could be saved from a makeover.

They ran downstairs, of course bumping into Fitz and Keefe on the way down. The stairwell was crowded and..

"Woaaah!" Sophie exclaimed as she tripped over Keefe's foot and started fall face-forward down the stairs-until Keefe caught her. His hands gripped her waist and he lifted her back up and put her on the ground.

"Foster, you okay?" Sophie expected Keefe would make a joke about her clumsiness, but instead he sounded worried and caring.

"Um,yeah. Thanks," Sophie replied and hurried down the steps where Fitz, Biana, Tam, Linh, and Dex were waiting for them. Keefe came right after her. Everyone greeted each other, until Fitz shouted "Who wants to play Base Quest?!" Everyone did, so they went outside and picked teams.

"I call Foster!" Keefe shouted."Me too!" Biana also yelled. That left Dex, Linh, Tam and Fitz.

"I don't want to be on a team with all boys!" Linh laughed and went to join the girls and Keefe.

"Hey, I don't mind being with all girls," Keefe said charmingly and winked at the girls.

"Oh my gosh, Keefe!" Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Hey Foster, you know you love me."

"Whatever," Sophie said because she noticed Fitz starting to look a little angry, and the groups started to play Base Quest. They played multiple rounds, and Sophie's team kept winning, so they switched up the teams. Finally, everyone was hungry and tired and the elves headed inside.

The girls went up to Biana's room to shower and change, and he boys did the same in Fitz's room. They had a plan to meet for dinner after everyone was clean and ready. Little did they know, Biana had some other plans...

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