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Welp, I was sitting in my crack gap thing, and then I heard a dragon said, "EVERYONE HURRY!!!! IGNITITAN SPAWNED BEFORE OUR EYES AT THE DEPTS OF THE VOLCANO!!!!!!!!!!!"

I was sooooo confused, because I don't know anything about the world because the dragons wouldn't let me go out.....

Then I went and visited the dragon library. The dragon librarian asked me, "Why are you here Lulla? Aren't you supposed to be with the others going for ignititan?"

I answered,  "why aren't you there too?" The librarian said, "I'm going there okay?"

I responded with a ok, I went ahead and go find a book about Ignititan

The legends say that.....

Ignititan once was the rulers of metals formed by the fire, he used to stomp over to the monster village (Deep marine community), and he used to control the city and forced everyone to listen to him

Then a monster had enough and banished him, years later Ignititan returned and said his sorrys and said he promise he'll never do that ever again.

And so on Ignititan used his powers for good and helped the monsters in the community

The end

I thought that it was extreme, but I thought again.... since Ignititan returns every year.... I have a chance to ask him for help to find Umbris

The dragon Librarian then said, "To be honest.... everyone only sees Ignititan for only one day a year! But I've heard legends say that a mysterious monster had seen him without going 1 day a year"

I thought about it while I left

I flew as fast as lightning to him, and said, "Ignititan! I am Lulla!"

He responded with a, " I have heard about you before and  my good friend Umbris had hatched an egg! So that's you Lulla?"

" Yes! And them Umbris left for good" I responed, Ignititan told me that Umbris left because he didn't want anyone to know he brought an egg to hatch for itself so he left and never came back 

I was so confused again..... then I thought Umbris might be a loner.... but Ignititan said no

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