Warzerd - Meteor Shower

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Serenity: hello guys! I'm back after my stress of Broxl aka Bidziil, I feel much better now, I hope that this guest is not much of an handfull to take care of!

Warzerd: Hey guys I'm Wilber!

Serenity: Wilber's a Wazerd

Wilber: Warzerds are awesome dragon claimers!

Umbris: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

Wilber: Heh, just kidding I fooled ya Umbris! 

Serenity: Well let's get started with the story already!

Wilber: Ok so, I was born near the village, it was quite peaceful at the dragon village

Serenity: It was? What about last time when the dragons attacked the Deep Marine Community?

Wilber: Didn't know about that, wasn't planning to help any monster

Serenity: Oh just be quiet alright! You claimed to be a "Dragon Claimer" and you don't even help us with the problem in the 1st place? What kind of "Dragon claimer" are you?

Wilber: A good on alright

Serenity: Whatever, continue

Wilber: So, I spent days training in the dragon maze

Serenity: I have been there, it isn't that hard


Serenity: Yeah, true

Wilber: So, I was the only Warzerd to just keep training from a young age, other Warzerds liked to play around with games and climb trees

Serenity: Wow, thought Mabikis are masters of climbing trees

Wilber: Mabikis are borned to be "Forest Gaurdians" and that means they ARE masters of climbing trees, Warzerds just do it for fun

Serenity:  Ok ok ok ok

Wilber: So then, one day I went back to my home, well I called that place home, we Warzerds are friends with the dragons so we can live in the dragon village

Serenity: Yeah, and?

Wilber: I went into my house and then I heard a knock on the door

Serenity: Who was it?

Wilber: It was my friend Walten, he knew I liked to train, so he decided to tell me, "Wilber, if you really liked to train, you can go find some masters of training for yourself!"

Serenity: Sounds legit

Wilber: Then I was thinking of learning more about my powers, so I went for it, the day after, I said my goodbyes and then left

Serenity: And then he was strolling through the forest and found me!

Wilber: Yes Serenity was just sitting there complaining about Anna

Serenity: I sometimes argue with Anna a lot

Wilber: Serenity saw me and I tried to hide in the grass, but the thing is........

Serenity: He was too big, Wilber hiding in the grass is like your hiding a GIANT statue

Wilber: It wasn't long till' she noticed me because my horrible hiding spot

Serenity: It was really obvious

Wilber: Serenity asked me what was up, and I said, " I'm trying to find a training guru"

Serenity: I laughed at his commentary and said that I could help him

Wilber: Serenity then, helped me with my search for a guru

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