Boxling, Broxl - Defend the Community!

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Serenity: Welcome back guys! Our special guest is.....!

Broxl: Me! But my name is Bidziil!

Serenity: Even more non cringy names! *sarcastic*

Bidziil: Hey!

Serenity: Not sorry!

Bidziil: What's with you and starting arguments with almost everyone that tells a story!

Serenity: Like a said, " A good vacation can go a long way!"

Bidziil: And like I said, " Let's just start the story already"

Serenity: but you never said that...

Bidziil: Yeah whatever!

Serenity: And what's with everyone that I invite somewhat says " Whatever"

Bidziil: Ok fine we're even!

Serenity: Let's just leave it on that note and continue

Bidziil: Sure Sure

Serenity:  Now start

Bidziil: So, I was borned into the deep marine community

Serenity: Yeah

Bidziil: And, I didn't have much friends, they said I should become mail for explorers aka humans

Serenity: Why didn't you defend yourself?

Bidziil: I was just a Boxling!

Serenity: Yeah, but you're still stronger than humans!

Bidziil: Let's just continue

Serenity: Alright

Bidziil: So I was living in my own house when some monster knocked on my door

Serenity: Who?

Bidziil: It was a Mabiki! He invited me to visit the big tree in the forest!

Serenity: Sounds like Mabiki!

Bidziil: Mabikis are known as " Gaurdians of the Forest" so I coudn't say no! This chance was going to be never presented to me ever again if I say no

Serenity: Sounds legit

Bidziil: Because it is!

Serenity: Continue

Bidziil: Ok, so the Mabiki said that the gem in the middle of the forest was the source of it being alive

Serenity: Cool!

Bidziil: I was so impressed! It was curiosity that took me to Serenity's base!

Serenity: Bidziil entered my base where I live with Anna! She l.oved taking selfies and I don't like it at all!

Bidziil: Anyways, Serenity welcomed me with her attacks which I hated, it hurted a lot since I was just a little Boxling

Serenity: Heh, sorry! Anyways, I was also a little angry he entered MY base without permission!

Bidziil: Sorry for that too! And also I was just getting started with my curiosity, I went around the room trying to figure out things

Serenity: He lived at a modern community so he doesn't know anything about the stuff  I have in my base and what it actually is

Bidziil: True, I was wandering around Serenity's base for 2 hours until she finally said something

Serenity: I said, "Hey! Who are you and why are you in my base?"

Bidziil:  Then I responded with, "I am Bidziil, from the Deep Marine Community!" I thought I sounded like a professional saying that

Serenity: You really didn't

Bidziil: Anyways you responded with a, " Umm what is that"

Serenity: Yeah, I wasn't really much a modern type of Etherian

Bidziil: I then said, " Come along! I'll show you!" I was really excited!

Serenity: I was just like, "Okay.."

Bidziil: Then we left Serenity's base!

Serenity: I then went to Bidziil's house! It looked more modern than my base, after all, he lived in an modern community

Bidziil: I had a TV, a couch, a desk, and a table wit papers on it

Serenity: To be honest I also visited the village near your "Deep Marine Communty" and it was WAY nicer, it also includes a lot more than you have!

Bidziil: Well you still don't make me change my opinion about MY house, and I still love it!

Serenity: And that's also why you're still living in it

Bidziil: Yup!

Serenity: We went around and I met the community's shopkeeper, move learner, and crate seller!

Bidziil: They were my only friends back then

Serenity: You were bullied by everyone else?

Bidziil: Yup...

Serenity: Well after that, we heard an alarm for the dragon village's attack! The deep marine community's was attacked by dragon's because well...

Bidziil: I can explain, 1. They are not having war with us 2. They were protecting there lair 3. They wanted to be the most best village in the whole of Etheria 4. Our community was winning and they had to do something about it

Serenity: Yeah, and I of course helped our community defend

Bidziil: *cough* MY Community *cough* what?

Serenity: *rolles eyes*  Well of course I helped, I HAD to help

Bidziil: Well, I didn't want Serenity to get involved with this so I tried to just fight and not let her take ANY attack on any of the dragons

Serenity: I tried to help too, he just didn't want nor need my help, he didn't give me ANY chance to fire an attack AT ALL!

Bidziil: Then again, I was helping out our teamwork

Serenity: We never became a team by the way -.-

Bidziil: Well neither way, I mutated! I became a Broxl and helped the community more! That is more important than our teamwork! 


Bidziil: Please calm down...

Serenity: You're stubborn Bidziil.... you're just stubborn

Bidziil: hmph

Serenity: Well Bidziil did save the community so some good came out of it

Bidziil: Mutations are the best! It made me closer to the explorers and monsters who lived there! They no longer call me useless! Now they called me the town hero!

Serenity: And that's basically Bidziil's story

Bidziil: Hope you enjoyed!

Serenity: This is tiring me a lot! I never want to see you and your bragging ever again...

Bidziil: Welp

Serenity: I. say. it's. getting. annyoing.

Bidziil: Whether you like it or not

Serenity: I disapprove

Bidziil: Welp you'll just have to deal with it

Serenity: Your make me sick, I'll just go lie down in bed, forgetting that this ever happened, GOODBYE WATCHERS!

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