Irasper, Golsper - Save the Tree!

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Serenity: Hello readers! Serenity here! My collaboration partner is Golsper!

Golsper: Hello, let me introduce myself, I am Spewy the Golsper. My species is the Irasper species

Serenity: Ok Spew, Let's begin your story!

Spewy: I feel hungry

Serenity: Well, me too! Let's have our breakfast 1st!

After Breakfast

Spewy: That was good

Serenity: My seeds were delicious!

Spewy: I packed yummy metal and some sand for seasoning, the Flavour of sand and metal is great

Serenity: Yeah, for you but for me! Yummy seeds!

Spewy: I shall begin this story, I was with nurse Jane in the underground lab

Serenity: I was playing with my friend Sarea! She was a Seren now too! But right now she is also a Secton! I still play with her though!

Spewy: Okay so then they went into the desert temple and then-

Serenity: Should we show them the desert temple picture?

Spewy: But I don't have one on me right now

Serenity: Okay fine

Spewy: As I, they were playing very very loudly but since I am further I didn't hear, Serenity just told me they both were playing loudly

Serenity: After that Sarea and I went all the way down the temple when Sarea went under the stairs, I can hear her fall down a hole!

Spewy: It seemed painful to fall down and not FLOAT down

Serenity: Well you weren't there to tell me so I thought the only way down is to just fall

Spewy: Okay, so what did you do next?

Serenity: Glad you asked, we found some sort of laboratory maze

Spewy: I have wandered off there before, it's painful

Serenity: Yes it was, We found tubes and special lights on the floor of different colors, we also found a paint room, and even a museum-like place

Spewy: I didn't know that existed

Serenity: Well it did, we then thought the Lab was kinda cool so we went on further exploration

Spewy: Then you guys found me, living with Nurse Jane wasn't the life I exactly wanted, I just wanted to be free

Serenity: Nurse Jane did see that you wanted freedom and not stay there with her and heal monsters for the Lab

Spewy: So she did give me a chance to be free but she wants so, she wanted something in return too so it'll be worth it

Serenity: She sent me and Sarea on a mission to get her lost precious gem for the exchange for Spewy's freedom

Spewy: Serenity and Sarea excepted because they wanted a new friend to play with

Serenity: Of course we wanted you to join our Etheria monster squad!

Spewy: Well apparently Nurse Jane lost the gem around ETHERIA'S VOLCANO, I didn't even know how she lost it there or even got out of the Lab, it's a crazy maze

Serenity: We did manage to get the lost gem/stone and found our way back to here and then we exchanged!

Spewy: I was free from Nurse Jane! But it did take you two about 3 hours

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