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I  looked at my boss

Im an assassin of course!My code name is Midnight

I stared at my boss with no emotion"What?"

He looked back at me with a smirk on his lips"I want you to kill this person"He showed me the photo

Intesting his name fits himself I though

"Now you will be in E~class so you would be able to kill him~"He said in his usual sassy tone

"So you want me to kill him?"I said bluntly"Is it too easy?"I shook my head"Just- let me start already"

He nodded and gave me my uniform I walked into the restroom and changed

I walked out while putting my hair in a ponytail"Im off"I slammed the door close and called a taxi

"This place please"I said showing him the map pointing at the school"¥54"I gave it to him and we drove off

Time skip!

I got out and looked up seeing the massive school I walked up to it earning a few glances from boys

I ignored them and walked towards the principals office to see two large doors I opened it and saw the principal with his hands on his chin

"Sit"His voice was stern wrapping me with a large centipede I looked to the side feeling comfortable

"Oh . . . So you feel comfortable with bloodlust around you huh?"He said smiling a fake one

"Any how Miss Y/n right?"I replied with a "Yes" "Now how about A~class?"I walked behind him pulling his hair backwards he fell of his chair and looled at me smiling

"E~class it is then"He said as I let go of his head of peachy hair"This is stupid im going now"

"Oh by the way youll need this!"He threw a green rubber knife and a green BB gun"Anti~sensei?"I say he nodded and let me go I walked out and walked up the mountain to see a bald headed thingy"Hey!"I shout

He looked back at me falling to the ground having a nose bleed

Hentai I thought silently

"New E~class student?"He asked I nodded which made his nose blow more blood

I swear if he loses consciousness I ain't carrying him I thought looking at him

"My names Okajima!Call me Okajima~sama!"

I looked at him with emotionless eyes which made him slow down as he was shaking

"L/n Y/n Okajihentai~san"I say he ran to the top leaving me alone to walk up

Time skip

I heard people gossiping about the new girl Okajihentai told them

"Hey!Is what Okajima said true?"

"No way!"

"She must be cute if Okajima nose bled!"

"Shut up you bunch of rags!"

I heard a sigh and I opened the door looking at the big Octo~Hentai looking creature

My first expression to the reaper "A Hentai" I thought I stood infront

"My name is L/n Y/n please call me by my first name Y/n"I said scanning the whole room

"You may sit next to Ritsu~san over there"I nodded and went to sit over her

I scanned the whole room and sighed lightly

"Guess not today"I say sleeping on my desk . . .

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