*Chapter 1*

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I thought this music would be good for this Chapter.
I left later tonight after gathering more supplies because turns out I walked into a closet earlier. I sighed and quietly spawned my MegaBuster. There didn't seem to be many discolored robots out right now. That's a relief, but I charged my weapon anyways just in case. My first suspect for that TV broadcast had to have been Dr. Wily. Who else would want to try to harm me and my friends by sacrificing his minions in the process? I began to walk towards the Western entrance/exit of the city.

I was always looking around at my surroundings, making sure none of those Joes bite my throat out from behind. Walking on such an empty city road at night would definitely give you the creeps. I was receiving chills down my spine while walking down the empty streets.

I had to only shoot a few bots on the way to the exit until I saw a huge horde of them a few feet from the exit. I was originally going to sneak past them, but then I heard two people scream for my name. It sounded like it came from the center of the crowd. My heart was too golden to ignore those cries for help.

I shot a charged shot at one of the robots, making it turn towards me afterwards. That also caught the attention of a few robots as well. Those robots slowly began to walk towards me and I began to fire a barrage of bullets. "Don't worry! We'll help you!"one of the voices boomed then there was a small explosion, sending the robots flying a few yards away.

I had my face covered during the explosion. I looked up and saw Bomb and Heat. They looked exhausted and injured. Bomb had scratch wounds all over him and a chunk of his right arm bitten off and Heat didn't look any better. His armor was covered in dents, his legs had wires sticking out and he had lost his left eye. "You're a lifesaver. I owe you one."Bomb said. He was trying to cover the missing chunk of his right arm with his left hand, but I can still see that it was missing. "Yeah, I really thought tonight was going to be our last night alive." Heat added then shed a tear or two.

"Well...I'm glad that I was able to help you two. You need to teleport to Dr. Light's lab if you still have the energy. He will be able to repair your injuries. "Sounds great! Where are you going by the way?" Heat asked. "I'm heading to Wily's fortress. There is no one I know better who always tries to hurt us by putting his minions in danger than Dr. Wily himself, and I'm going to put a stop to this before anyone else gets hurt or killed!" I explained then held my MegaBuster tightly in my left hand. Bomb put a hand on my shoulder and shook his head no. "Heat and I just dealt with a horde of bots and we barely made it out without any injuries that were too major. If we couldn't handle that, what makes you think that you can take on Dr. Wily's fortress FILLED with these things and most likely WORSE alone," he scolded then crossed his arms while giving me a very serious look,"screw it. We're coming with you." "Wait, we are?"Heat commented.

"Are you sure? Like you said, you and Heat were lucky to make it out alive, and that's why it's too dangerous for you two to come along! I don't want to see you die! Please...stay back...take shelter...and whatever you do...do NOT come out." I warned. "We'll take the risks. Besides, there's a town two miles from Dr. Wily's fortress that can provide us medical help." Bomb responded. "We are?" Heat blurted. I sighed then looked at the exit. "Fine...but be careful. Any wrong move can kill you." I said with an extremely stern tone then began to walk to the exit. They followed like mindless sheep... I know they will die...I can just feel it in my gut...

*Later that evening...*
"Ugh, my feet are aching!" Heat complained. "Heat, we've only been walking for twenty minutes." Bomb commented. "We'll walk for one more hour then we'll camp for the night." I informed while I walked. "Sounds good."Bomb said while Heat quietly groaned in the back.

We continued to walk until I tripped on what appeared to be a Mettataur helmet. I got up and looked down at the helmet. This Mettataur seemed like it was one of the shy ones. I knelt down to it's level and gently tapped on it's helmet. "Hello?" I whispered softly. The Mettataur budged a little bit. I smiled gently while it turned towards me. "Don't worry fella. I won't harm you." I continued. It moved a little more then jumped at me, latching onto my face.

I began to scream and try to pull it off my face. I heard a lot of shushing and felt a lot of pulling. Bomb eventually pulled the little monster off my face and throw it on the ground hard. The little beast hissed and opened it's mouth, revealing sharp wires and a drill in it's mouth. "Eep! It's discolored!" He screamed like a little girl and threw it high into the air. He was panting heavily then looked at me. My face was covered in scratches and spots from where the Mettataur's mouth drill poked me. "Yeah...let's camp here for the night." Bonb said, calling it a night. I nodded then started to peel off bits and pieces of tree bark.

*Two minutes later...*
I set down all the pieces, Bomb set down the logs, and Heat began the fire. We all sat on our logs and began to discuss our battle strategies for tomorrow.

???'s P.O.V.
HeHeHeHeHeHeHeHe... WhAt ThEy DiDn'T kNoW iS tHaT i'Ll Be WaTcHiNg ThEm AlL nIgHt LoNg...

Author's note:
There we go! I hope you enjoyed this! I'm satisfied with how this came out :)

Word count:1040 words.

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