*Chapter 2*

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*Earlier that night...*
???'s P.O.V.
"N-No! Back off!" I shouted then spawned my force field. I felt like I was close to being on the brink of death. I was scratched and bruised all over. The horde of zombie-like robots were trying to crawl all over me like a bunch of foreign boy band fangirls. I shot the jewel shield in all 8 directions, moving some of the robots back. I grinned a little bit then jumped on top of a bus stop cover and began to fire individual jewels at the mindless robots.

The jewels would hit their heads, cracking their eyes a little bit and moving their head back, but that's all the jewels seemed to do. I began to panic and activated rapid fire. My right hand turned into a white arm cannon and started firing jewels in a pretty quick speed. The impact of the jewels became heavier because the jewels began to knock the robots to the ground. I grinned and kept up my aim.

I felt the cover below me begin to shake and break. My heart froze then the cover broke off, making me fall onto the cold hard bench below, breaking my back. I began to cry in pain while the robots slowly inched towards me. I was trembling then aimed at one of the robots. I tried to fire a jewel, but nothing happened. I realized that I was out of special power ammo and needed an M-tank. I was cursing under my breath as I kept spawning jewel shields. It only hit a few bots before disappearing.

Then a robot grabbed me by the right arm and jerked me towards it, dislocating my shoulder. They looked at me dead in the eyes and screeched very loudly in my ear until it began to bleed. It threw me onto the sidewalk and the horde walked away slowly. I was crying softly for help for about two hours before a strange and painful chill went down my spine. I groaned and whimpered in pain. I thought it was from the cold night, but I would be proven wrong.

My whole body began to ache like it had just been through a garbage compressor and my vision became red. I was coughing blood and I couldn't control my hands. They became numb and what used to be my fingertips grew to bloody claws. My cries for help became disorted to the loud sound I heard earlier and my skin became dangerously pale. Now I have become deaf... All of that wasn't the worst part of all.

While I was attempting my final cry for help, my mouth felt like it was dry and tasted like I just ate a bunch of sharp metal, making me cough up more blood and...pieces of my teeth?! I felt a strange sensation of my teeth growing. My fang-like front 4 teeth grew into giant fangs and since they grew quickly, they had holes all over it, which were quickly filled by damaged wires. I was crying tears and a little bit of blood. My eyes shut tightly while I was crying for 10 minutes before reopening. I could barely see my surroundings because there was red static and the word PsYcHoTiC  engraved in my vision. All my emotion was drained and I had suddenly gained an emotion that I've never felt before. It felt like...an AdDiCtIoN... I wanted blood on my claws... Maybe there are some forest animals I can kill over there... I looked over to the forest by the exit and slowly walked that way.

Bomb's P.O.V.
I heard the bushes rustling so I slowly woke up. "Wh...what was that?"I yawned then stretched. I looked up and saw Heat sleeping on my stomach. So that's what that rustling was about. I shook Heat awake. He groaned and rolled off my stomach before realizing he was consious. "Ack! Dammit. Not again." He got up and dusted himself off. "Watch your language Heat,"I began,"now then, why were you sleeping on my gut?"

"It's much more comfy than the stone hard ground. I don't see why Rock can sleep on it so easily." He said. I stood up and stretched. I shrugged then heard the bushes again. Heat turned towards the direction of the noise and prepared a fireball. "What was that?" He asked. I moved forward a few steps and spawned a mini hyper bomb. "Wake up Rock. I got this." I responded. Heat nodded and walked back towards Rock. I took a few more steps forward and spawned another mini bomb.

"Show yourself! I will NOT hesitate to use physical methods to make you come out!" I shouted. No response. "Hey! Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you! Stand up and face my direction!" I shouted a little louder. No response. I growled then screamed, "Fine! If that's how you want to play, then let's play!" Before I could throw a bomb, I heard distorted growling. "Shoot," I thought,"they found us." I looked back at Heat, who was slowly shaking Rock up. I went back a few steps  and increased the size of my bombs. Rock woke up and sat up. "What's going on you guys?" He asked. "Prepare your weapon. Those discolored zombies found us."Heat replied.

Rock jumped up and summoned his Mega Buster. The growling kept getting louder and louder until it was as loud as a car horn. A black silhouette stood there for 2 seconds before the light began to show their face. We gasped. Rock began to shed a few tears. "J-Jewel...? Is that you...?"Rock asked. No response other than growling. "...Rock. It looks like the noise from the TV last night got the best of us..."I said.

Jewel began to scream at the top of his lungs, forcing us to cover our ears. "Nope! Fuck this! We need to go!"Heat blurted then began to run away. "Heat no!" I screamed then Jewel began to book it towards Heat. "We need to save Heat!" Rock shouted. "You can say that a second time!" I replied then we ran after Jewel and Heat.

Author's note:
I am SO SORRY this came out late! I got sidetracked then things happened involving school and I fell back in love with retro gaming. I bought Pokemon gold for my functioning Gameboy color and have been playing the hell out of it. I got pwned by Will earlier. TTuTT Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed and I promise that Chapter 3 will come out soon! Until then, I hope y'all have a good day!

Word count:1121 words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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