After The War

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A year after the Battle of Hogwarts and the castle is once again a scenic view from a dream. Both Remus Lupin and Sirius Black work there as dada and transfiguration teachers and Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco still go to Hogwarts as students. The Malfoy's and everyone became friends within the year and everything is peaceful once again without Voldemort. Both Draco and Harry are openly gay to their families but not to friends. There is only one secret that neither of them have told anyone about. They are fuckbuddies. Even though Draco is openly gay he is being forced to marry Astoria Greengrass, even though he has already had his heart stolen by Harry.

At Dinner with everyone
Harry's POV
I think I may have landed in an alternate universe. Dra- Malfoy and his family are invited to dinner! I see the blonde slowly walk up to me a smirk placed upon his gorge- face.
"Potter." He snarls at me and I start to wonder whether we have actually been shagging for the best part of six months.
"Malfoy." I snarl back, trying to not to out my love for him in front of everyone.
Mrs Weasley comes marching over. "Now boys. I don't want any wands out." She says looking sternly at me as though I'm going to pull mine out any minute. Which I do want to do. It's just not the wand she is on about.
"Yes. Because we all know how Potter loves to whip out his wand. Especially in bathrooms." He snarls smirking at me. I go to retort, looking gobsmacked and glancing at Remus and Sirius who look undoubtedly confused, but Ron steps in.
"Shut up ferret-face!" We then turn around and he carries on. "Honestly mate, I don't know why mum let them come over. I told her it would end badly, you know, with you two."
I do know. But it's not as Ron thinks. It won't end badly, in fact it will probably end in a bliss in the Weasley bathroom. I excuse myself and rush up to the bathroom, feeling sick as I realise that if they are now aloud to join us for dinner my feelings will never disappear. I start to throw up and all I hear is a knock on the door and Sirius' soft voice. "Harry? What's wrong?" Once I stop throwing up I open the door and rush into Sirius' arms crying. We walk into my room, yes I have my own room at the Weasley's house, and we start talking like we normally do. Then he brings up what Draco said.
"What did Draco mean about wands and bathrooms?" He asks, worried that it was to do with sixth year and when I almost killed him, when it really isn't.
" Dinners probably ready. Let's go." I say making a run for the door. However, Sirius is to quick for me and locks the door. And to make matters worse, my wand is in the bathroom from when I threw up.
"No. We will talk about this. If it's about your sixth year there is no shame in what you did." I pale as I realise what he is on about but quickly shake it off.
"No it isn't. And I don't want to talk about it at the moment." I say, tearing up as I remember whose idea it is to keep the relationship secret.
"Ok....but just remember you can talk to me whenever you want." Sirius says wearily.
"Yeah I know and I would tell you but I promised not to. If I do tell more than one person will get hurt and one of those people I care about. Too much." I say, whispering the last part. Sadly, Sirius hears.
"Oooo...someone got a boyfriend.." He teases. At this point I just break. I snap like a twig. I can't carry on.
"I would if he wasn't so stubborn and insisted we are just 'fuckbuddies'!"I scream and as I say that Draco runs into the room. Anger flashes across his eyes.
"How could you Harry?! We said we were going to keep it a secret!" He yells.
"What are you on about? We were talking about Sirius and someone." I state quietly, sending him a mental message of 'I didn't tell him.'
"Oh...I thought you were on about that thing that happened last year." He flushes a deep red and excuses himself from the room. I turn to see Sirius looking amused with an eyebrow raised and looking intrigued.
"What was HE on about?" Sirius asks wondering whether before Draco barged in I was on about Draco himself.
" happened last year and he thought I was quoting something from that and I promised not to tell anyone what happened." I say covering my tracks. He looks at me suspiciously and then replies, "Ok. Well lets go downstairs for dinner."
And we then proceeded downstairs and dinner was almost done so I went outside, coincidentally where Draco is. When we get called into dinner Remus raises his eyebrow. "Well, I'm surprised that you two actually stayed outside for ten minutes without cursing each other."
Draco then speaks up, "Potter's defeated Voldemort and has started auror training after school,he knows more than me."
I then turn to him fluttering my eyelashes and putting a hand over my heart. "Why, Malfoy, was that a compliment?"
"Don't get used to it." He remarks shoving me and I go to retort but Sirius steps in.
"Harry, come and help me set up the table." I do as he says and then everyone sits down and coincidentally I'm sat opposite Draco and in between Hermione and Ginny.
Ginny keeps putting her hand on my thigh and as I watch Draco's reactions and his jealously get on top of him, as well as me playing footsie with him, I start to get hard. The only problem is Ginny thinks it's her that is making me horny, when really it is the blonde hunk of a man across from me. Minus Ginny, it's perfect. Everyone having fun and me watching Draco get turned on. It's so perfect I miss Sirius drop his fork and dive under the table to reach for it. Once everyone but the Malfoy's and me, Sirius and Remus had left Draco went to go and get a drink before they leave so I follow him and drag him into the bathroom, kissing him like there is no tomorrow. Things proceed until we are both naked and breathing heavily, stifling our screams of pleasure.
Sirius' POV
I lie in bed trying to wrap my head around what I saw. It can't have been a shadow as there wasn't enough lighting in the room to cause a shadow like that. No. What I saw has to be true. I can't think of any other possibilities. I just can't believe it's Draco of all people. I can't believe that Harry, my godson, was playing footsie with the man he has supposedly hated since they were eleven. Draco Malfoy. I thought the civil behaviour between them is a truce but it obviously isn't. Well, I guess it is. Just not the sort I thought. I'm not surprised Harry likes Malfoy, despite what Remus says I'm not entirely thick, I've seen him ogle Draco's arse when we see him. What does bother me is that he hasn't come to me and told me. He knows how I feel about Remus and he knows there is no shame, so why hasn't he come to me and told me? I need to talk to Remus tomorrow about the whole thing and see what he thinks.
In the morning
I walk downstairs to find Harry burning his food and trying to put out the flames and Remus marking some papers before we go to work. Mcgonagall put a floo powder network from home to the school so we can live at home. I grab my wand and put out the fire that Harry has started and he looks at me gratefully and then he sees the time and starts mumbling about being late and Snape going to kill him (Snape never died). He then turns to us and says, "Going to the Leaky tonight, meeting Neville and Luna for drinks." However I know he isn't meeting Neville and Luna at all. The problem is I don't have a chance to talk to Remus about what I saw.
Me and Remus are sat at the teachers table and I just stare at Harry only half listening to Remus. Harry looks up at me and raises his eyebrow as to why I'm staring at him and I just mouth back that I just zoned out, he then nods and joins back into the conversation with Ginny. I then turn to Remus and tell him what I saw.
"Are you sure..?" Remus asks in a hushed tone.
"Yes I'm sure, they were right there!" I exclaim in the same hushed tone.
"Maybe what? Maybe his toes were itchy?" I snort.
"No...." Remus pauses and looks at Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry. "Do you think that they know?" He says pointing in their direction subtlety.
"No, remember what Harry said when he told us he was bent, he said he wasn't telling friends until he is certain." I then pause. "He lied to me yesterday." I then tell him about the conversation we had upstairs when Harry was sick and just as Remus goes to respond I hear Harry's voice come from the Gryffindor table.
"Ginny. Stop. Nothing can happen between us." He shouts.
"What was that at the dinner table last night then?" She shouts just as loud, smirking.
"OMG! Are you kidding me? You seriously think that you feeling me under the table without me saying that I like you that way means that I do?" He shouts and then realises what he just revealed. I turn to Remus wide eyed to see he has the same expression on his face and then turn back to Harry.
"In fact, why don't I just tell everyone in the room why I don't like you like that?" He snaps at her and I look at Remus as if to say is he seriously going to out himself to everyone. Remus doesn't know how to respond so we both turn back to where Harry is still shouting at Ginny.
"The reason I don't like you Ginny is because..." Harry starts but I interrupt him.
"Harry! Don't! I'm sure we can all talk about this somewhere else. Quietly." I say as I walk over to him once Mcgonagall tells me and Remus to.
"Fine!" He says, then he turns back to Ginny and says, "See ya later." And he storms out the room. Me and Remus run after him and we find him at the fat lady portrait for the Gryffindor common room, curled up in a ball, crying. We comfort him and tell him everything will be okay. When he calms down he stands up and looks at his watch.
"I need to go to Leaky. See ya at home." He then turns around and goes down the great staircase. Once he is out of earshot I turn to Remus, "Drinks with Neville and Luna my arse!" And that is when I grab him by the arm and drag him with me to follow Harry.
We arrive at a gay bar and I change our appearances so that Harry doesn't recognise us and when we get in we start searching for Harry and Draco. When we finally spot them we find a booth close to them and cast an eavesdropping spell. Remus tries to stop me saying, "Padfoot, there is a thing such as privacy!" But I just ignore him.
I start to listen into the conversation.
"...Out of the way of the usual spots, don't you think?" I hear Draco ask.
"Didn't want to take any chances." Harry mumbles. "I dunno... Sirius looked like he was up to something. Figured here was better than the Leaky, which is where I told them I would be."
Remus gives me an astonished look and shakes his head. I stick my tongue out at him and silently boast at him.
"Does he know?" Draco asks sharply, the tapping of his feet coming to a halt.
"No. I don't think so. But it would be a lot easier if he did." Harry sighs and I just nod unthinkingly.
"Don't you dare Potter!" Draco snaps. "You're not going to tell him!"
"Why the fuck not?" Harry snarls.
"Because, Potter, we agreed. We fuck, no strings. No one finds out. That was the deal."
My eyes widen at the last word that comes out his mouth and I turn to see Remus looking as shocked as I feel. Whatever we are expecting it isn't this.
All I can see from where I am is Harry looking at Draco incredulously. All I hear Harry say after a moments silence is, "Screw the deal, we aren't just shagging anymore Malfoy!"
Draco smirks a cold, cruel smirk. "Aren't we? What do you suppose last night in the Weasley's bathroom was then?"
"And what are we doing now Malfoy?" Harry swipes a hand between them. "Shagging now are we?"
Draco's lips curl mockingly. "This isn't a date, Potter!" He snarls.
I see Harry clench his fists around his firewhiskey and that it is taking all his willpower not to throw it all over the blonde. "No? Tell me that when you believe that yourself."
"Oh please Potter, we all know your going to marry the ginger bint, have fifty babies and name them all with unoriginal names like Albus, James and Lily. This is nothing but a sideshow!"
"Leave Ginny out of this, I shouted at her in the great hall telling her nothing can happen." Harry slams his hand down on the table, hard, as Draco snorts and I regret listening in the slightest bit. "Shove off Malfoy! If you can't deal with the fact that this isn't just a fucking sideshow to me then you can go and fucking well leave!"
I see Draco blink at Harry's words and sudden outburst, staring at Harry's hand as though it's an alien object he has never seen before. "I'm going to France for a month." He looks up at Harry after a few moments.
Harry frowns at the sudden change of subject and it is scary how much he looks like James. It is clear he is unsure of what to say. "Okay." Is his only reaction.
"The Greengrasses will be there." Draco's voice drones in a flat and dead tone.
"Brilliant." Harry grits out. "Maybe by the time you come back she will have a big diamond ring on her finger and you'll be half married."
"Father intends it to be so." Draco intones. I see something flit across Draco's eyes but it goes too quick for me to make out what it was or for Harry to notice.
Harry laughs bitterly, like James did when Lily went out with Severus and James picked a fight. "Oh, well, god forbid anything go against Lucius fucking Malfoy's plan. That's worked out wonderfully in the past. Hasn't it?" If Draco insists on being a prick, so can Harry.
Draco stands up abruptly, as anger flashes over his eyes, and gently says his glass down on the table. With a sneer that is normally only used in Hogwarts and a "Good bye Potter." Draco is gone. Gone to get married. Me and Remus take this as our queue to leave. And just like that it is just Harry going to the dance floor.

Harry's POV
After that botch up of a talk with Draco I walk over to the dance floor, extremely drunk, and start grinding against one lonely man. Things progress and after ten minutes we are in the bathrooms undressing and giving each other sloppy kisses. While the nameless man pleasures me all I can think is that his hair isn't soft enough and blonde enough. His eyes aren't grey. He is no Draco Malfoy.

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