Meddling With Love

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Harry's POV
In the morning
I walk downstairs groggily, knowing I had been caught for being up all night, preparing for a lecture. I grab coffee and breakfast and try to eat as fast as I can so that I can be gone before Remus and Sirius wake up. Sadly, they walk through the kitchen door just as I sit down with my breakfast. They both grab their own breakfast and sit at the table, looking very pissed off with me.
"Harry." Remus says oppressively while I just stare at the ground like an eight year old who has been mean to another.
"Yeah?" I answer timidly.
"Why? Just why were you up all night?" Sirius asks, also in an oppressive tone.
"Umm..." I stutter trying to think of a plausible excuse. "I couldn't sleep."
"Why?" Remus asks concerned.
"Ummm...I still....I still get flashbacks of that night or my childhood." I mumble, which is partly true, I just decided to distract myself with the plan to get Remus and Sirius together.
"Why didn't you just tell us? You could've slept in one of our beds." Sirius says perturbed.
"I'm not five anymore. Besides I didn't want anyone to worry." I say on the verge of tears as I get another flashback to the night I lost my parents. I then get a flashback of my childhood where Uncle Vernon had the knife in one hand and the belt in the other. I start to panic and Remus and Sirius notice as they come to give me a comforting hug but I just shrug them off and dash to my room, muttering the same thing over and over, "Don't do it! Please! I'll be good!"
I only get half way to my room before I double over in pain, as if the flashback was happening and I was being cut with the blade that already has my scarlet blood encrusted on the blade.
"Harry! Harry, are you ok?" Sirius says, dashing to my body that is now a heap on the floor. Once the pain dies down so that it is barely existent I manage to respond.
"Yeah, I'm fine. They aren't usually this bad, but because of it coming up to Halloween they do get worse. It happens every year." I say standing back up, with help from Sirius and Remus.
"Are you sure?" Remus asks, extremely concerned.
"Yeah. I've got to go. I'm already late to meet Hermione and Ron at Hagrid's and I'd rather not die today because I've pissed off Hermione!" I laugh, walking towards the fireplace. "See ya in class, professors." I say as floo to Hagrid's hut.
In Free Period with Ron
"You wouldn't!" Ron exclaims, eyes widening in shock as he stares at me over the coffee table in the Gryffindor common room.
"Oh yes, I would, and I am!"
It is just us two in the common room and I am just telling Ron about my plan for Remus and Sirius now that I have finished it.
"They will kill you! I can't live without my best friend!" Ron says mortified by what my plan actually is.
"Oh stop being so sappy! Besides, they won't kill me I'm their best friends son after all and they like me too much to kill me. As well as Sirius never wanting to go back to Azkaban." I say with a cheeky grin. I then hear footsteps behind me and Ron looks like he has seen a million spiders. I slowly turn around to see Remus and Sirius standing there looking murderous. "OH SHIT! Actually, change that, they may want to kill me." I say to Ron and then I turn to Remus and Sirius. "Hi?"
"What are you talking about that involves us?" Remus asks sternly.
"Hahaha! Fuck! I need to go to the library to do homework! See ya!" I say dashing to the portrait. But Remus gets there first and backs me into a corner while Ron is laughing his head off.
"RON! NOT HELPING! YOU DICK!" I yell at him while he rolls around in hysterics.
"Oh it is! This is priceless to watch mate!" He manages to get out between laughs.
"I'm going to kill you once I escape the wrath of these two!" I say, completely ignoring Remus' wand pointed at me.
"Oh really? So you could live with out your best friend!" Ron says, mock hurt.
"Piss off before I actually kill you, you bitch!" I yell back.
"Ok! See ya!" He says running out.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" I yell in frustration, returning my attention back to Remus and Sirius. I then realise how I am sat and the wand in front of me and it brings back another memory of my childhood. My breathing starts to get faster and tears slowly trickle down my face. Remus lowers his wand and carries me to the sofa.
"Sorry pup, I didn't realise that would upset you." Remus says, guilt layered thick on his voice.
"It's fine. I'm fine. I just need a bit of space." I say trying to prompt Sirius to stop hugging me, which he does.
"Now, are you going to tell us why we would have a reason to kill you?" Sirius asks seriously.
"No, it's a secret! All will be revealed later." I say, a cheeky grin playing on my lips.
"Fine!" Sirius and Remus sigh.
"Oh, that reminds me, can you meet me in the room of requirement ten minutes before dinner. I need to talk to you but I have a ton of homework to do so I need to go to the library for real, besides, free period is almost over." I perk up.
"Sure thing kiddo!" They both say. I get up and head towards the library, little did I know that Ron had told Hermione the plan and I was going to get a huge lecture.

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