Why Does It Have To Be This Way?

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Harry's POV
I walk in drunk from the night before, stumbling into the kitchen and trying not to throw up. All I hear in my hangover induced haze as I search for the hangover remedy is Ron asking "Harry, mate, are you alright?" And this tentative questions sounds like a gong in my brain. I grunt in response, fumbling in the drawers, trying to ignore my headache as much as I can. I know the hangover remedy is in here somewhere, I just need to find it. It's here. It has to be. I can't even contemplate going to school without the potion. Not when I can barely stand. Potion. Yes, it would be best to think of that rather than last night.
"What the fuck is going off on here?" Sirius' tired and groggy voice travels through my hangover induced haze.
I notice Ron shrug helplessly, looking from me to Sirius and Remus.
I roll my eyes at the identical looks that both adults have plastered on their faces, forgetting that the drawer I have put my hand in is full of knives.
The other three men in the room jump at the loud expletive, staring at the cuts on my bleeding hand. Two long cuts are visible down my middle finger and my palm. I slam the drawer shut and start cursing everything from knives to potions teachers and headmasters.
Remus steps forward hesitantly, handing me a bandage for my hand. "Er...Harry?"
"Where the fuck is the hangover potion? Kreacher!" I then see the elf apparate in front of me with a crack, giving a low bow to those who are present. Sirius recently ordered him to answer to the commands of anyone who is in the house. Granted, I am usually kinder than Sirius is.
"You called, Young Master?"
"Get me the hangover remedy, now!"
Except today. I'm not in a caring mood. Kreacher senses my distress and doesn't curse at me as he rushes off to get the potion. With another crack the elf is gone and then returns. I snatch the potion, not saying the customary thank you Hermione has drilled into me, and down it all in one go before collapsing on the table.
I snort when I catch Remus and Sirius exchanging knowing, worried glances while Ron looks at me bewildered.
"For pity's sake, I won't bite."
Sirius grins, although I can tell that it is fake. "Rough night?"
My 'I wish' slips out before I can stop myself. Now that my headache is dulling, I realise how shitty I must look. I'm still in my clothes from last night, which have alcohol all over them, because I got back literally twenty minutes ago. I still can't remember how I got to that guys house last night.
When I woke up this morning, I panicked, thinking I had been kidnapped. Thankfully, I grabbed my wand and apparated before the muggle could wake up. Hopefully, he was too drunk last night to remember my wand.
I flush as I realise how the two words sound but I don't know how to take them back. So I just stare at one of the grooves in the kitchen table that were created by me practicing knife throwing and hitting the table rather than the apple.
"Harry?" Sirius says with the same hesitation as Remus. "Where were you all night? And are you okay?"
"'M fine, although what the fuck did I do last night to wake up in that strangers bed?" I then realise that I just told them all that I had a one night stand and stand abruptly. "I'm going to go shower."
"I said I'm fine Ron! And unless you know who's bed I woke up in this morning I'd shut up and let me shower, I reek of alcohol!" I snap, storming out the room and up the stairs. I then take a long cold shower and go to school, still feeling slightly hungover.

Sirius' POV
Damn! He is in a bad mood! Once Harry is out of earshot Ron shakes his head and says, "Damn, this is like Cho Chang all over again!" My eyes snap onto the redhead instantly. "Cho Chang? What about her?"
The redhead flinches, looking terrified, running a hand through his hair. "Er....nothing... I really should go, tell Harry that I went so that Snape doesn't kill me, yeah?"
"Weasley?" I say in a low growl. "What. About. Cho. Chang?"
"I shouldn't, if Harry never told I shouldn't either." He stutters heading for the fireplace but Remus blocks it before he can get there.
"What happened with Cho Chang?" Remus asks softly yet sternly.
"Umm, fine! But if you want to hear it you better put silencing spells on the room and lock the door unless you want Harry to become a murderer." Ron says and we do as he says.
"Soo..." I say prompting him.
"Right, so basically, in third, fourth and fifth years he had a huge crush on her but she chose Cedric Diggory over him. And then in fifth year after Cedric died and Harry was forming Dumbledore's army they kissed and then she told him that she didn't like him like that, but a lot harsher than that, and he was in a mood for months." Ron explains and I just stand there stunned. "Now can I go or do you want me to tell Snape that you kept me locked in your kitchen?" We then let him go and enjoyed our day off.
Harry's POV
I hate Tuesdays. No. I hate this Tuesday. This Tuesday is boring and hot in the Hogwarts classrooms, especially when I have all my classes throughout the day as potions with Snape. Potions is my weak spot, that's why Snape paired me with Draco. But now he has gone and skipped the country. However, me and Ron are top of charms, which we have one class of today. After all the classes me and Ron go to the floo network in the Gryffindor common room. Before we leave Ron speaks up. "I know you weren't with Neville and Luna last night." I freeze, half of my hand in the floo powder pot. Ron sighs. "Come on, mate. Somethings up with you. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out." When I still don't say anything back he continues. "Look, I'm no Hermione, I've got- what is it that she said? The 'emotional range of a teaspoon' but you've been off all day. Hell, the last few months even. At first I thought it was everything to do with Voldemort, but I'm not not so sure, you know?"
"Ron there's-" I try to say but get cut off by him.
"No." Ron responds sharply, holding one hand up, palm out, to stop me. "You don't have to tell me what's bothering you right away. Just don't tell me nothings wrong. I see, Hermione sees it, Remus and Sirius see it, even the teachers are starting to notice somethings not right. Just remember I'll always be here for you." And with that Ron disappears in a green flash. Me in trail. When I get home I walk to the kitchen to see Remus and Sirius cooking dinner and laughing, throwing banter at each other. I lay the table silently and eat in silence until Sirius asks about this morning. "What happened this morning?" He asks concerned.
I blush furiously and try to eat faster and ignore their question but they just carry on pestering me.
"What do you want me to say? That I was at a bar last night and that I got quiet tipsy and then this morning woke up in a strangers bed, naked?" I snap, not looking them in the eye. "Do you want me to tell you that I don't remember anything after the incident in the bathroom? Or that I don't remember who this man was or what his name was? I'm eighteen and I went out and had a little fun. Is that against the law?" I say standing up and putting my plate in the sink.
"No. Harry, we just wanted to ask why you have been in such a foul mood, clearly all day." Remus asks looking me in the eye.
"I don't know. I honestly don't know. I just... I just panicked this morning and had a hangover. Then all day at school Ron has been pestering me about what's been wrong and telling me that I can always talk to him or you two. Thing is there is nothing to tell, I'm just annoyed at Ginny and taking it out on everyone else. I'm also slightly creeped by her." I say the last part to myself then turn back to them. "Is it normal to be followed to the library and be felt up against the bookshelves by someone who you aren't attracted to?"
"Not exactly. Do you want me to talk to Molly about her?" Sirius says trying not to laugh at my situation but failing.
"No, I'll sort it out. I mean nothing can be worse than getting your heart broken twice in three years. Right?" I snort.
"Why? Who else other than Cho Chang broke your heart?" Sirius curiously asks, me not realising that he knew about Cho.
"No one- wait, how did you know about Cho?" I question, confused of how they got that information.
"Erm, well, we may have forced Ron to tell when he mentioned her. Your not going to kill him are you?" Sirius says meekly.
"No. I'm kind of glad you know. Now I'm going to go to bed and hopefully wake up in my bed this time. Night." I say walking towards the stairs and to my room. All I hear behind me is a quiet "Night" from both of them.

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