Chapter 4

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Tom was being shoved down the corridor by several soldiers. Most of them were armed, keeping their guns out and ready. Like he could do anything, anyways. For now, Tom was too weak to even walk without assistance. Too much transforming. He would have to wait if he were to escape.

As they navigated the halls, Tom tried to memorize their turns. A left, then a right, straight... it became too much almost instantly. Was the base made to be this confusing? If so, Tom gave the humans some credit. They at least knew how to build a base.

Soon enough they turned into an almost empty corridor, the sounds of their footsteps echoing. The hall looked unused as if no one had ever stepped foot into its very silence. There were separate rooms, all empty of course, to the side of the hallway. Was this some sort of prison? If so, why was it empty?

They threw Tom into a completely white room. It stung his eyes just a bit to look at it. There was nothing there, either. Just a blank, empty white room. The door slammed behind him, lost now in the sea of white. There was no door handle, it seemed. Just white walls.

How long was Tom going to stay here? Forever seemed like the most likely option, though it wasn't the greatest one. But Tom didn't expect the soldiers to burst in and say "Well, there was a bit of a mishap. Sorry 'bout that, you can go now!".

Yeah, right.

One of the walls was a mirror, apparently. Tom suspected on the other side it was a window. People liked to do that. To be able to see the monster without it seeing you. Personally, Tom hated that feeling when he thought he was being watched. Maybe that was because he was usually on the mirror side of the wall.

A sudden wave of heat struck his body. He was still wearing his parka, of course. Being in a warm room in warm clothing wasn't a good idea. Tom took it off, revealing a simple blue T-shirt from a store somewhere to the people behind the glass. Then he sat there.

What were those scientists thinking? Putting someone in a closed space without anything to do and expecting something, anything, was a bit much. Did they expect him to transform? Nah, he was too tired. When he did have the energy, however, that would be a different story. Tom turned to the mirror, staring intently at what was supposedly behind the glass. He sat down and stayed.

A few minutes later, a group of people came in, all wearing white. Tom sighed. He hated these people, who thought just because they weren't human, they wouldn't feel it. That's how these humans always were around Tom.

One walked up to him, their posture friendly. They crouched to his level. Their long brown hair and dark eyes stuck out to him in this room, as the rest of the people were either blonds or had far lighter hair.

"This will only take a moment," they whispered, the voice feminine. People from behind grabbed at his arms, keeping him still. Or, at least trying. Tom writhed in their grip, growling.

Pain spread through his arms, suddenly taking over the majority of his thoughts. Mentally screaming, Tom went limp in the scientist's arms. It hurt like hell. All of his insides went numb.

The world became much duller instantly, the talking of scientists only whispers. When they left, the world was the quietest it had ever been for Tom. No constant whispers. No inner demons. Just the constant hum the room seemed to make, and the footsteps echoing from the hall.

What might've been hours passed like minutes. Tom couldn't really keep a hold of a thought for very long, so most of his time was spent grasping on an idea of what just happened. Something to do with humans, that was for certain.

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