Chapter 4 ♡

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The minute the bell rings indicating that school is over, all students walk in different directions to go home.

I make it out the building to wait patiently for Crystal.

We made plans to hangout after school.

I sat on the side of the staircase in front of the entrance doors.

Right on the cement brick wall.

My eyes drift at the door every few minutes when it opened and someone stepped out.

As I wait I kill time by going through lyrics on my black berry.

"Abel." La Mar calls snapping me out of my trance.

Looking up from my phone I see him standing in front of me. "What up?"

"Are you ready?" He asks.

La Mar and I usually walk home together since we live in the same direction.

"I forgot to tell you I'm not heading home." I say nonchalant as I lower my phone.

"Where you headed?" La Mar asks confused.

"Do you remember Crystal?" I ask.

La Mar takes a moment to think and quickly remembers. "Crystal? last year Crystal? blonde hair and blue eyes?"

I quickly nod. "Yeah, I'm waiting on her. We're going to chill."

"She's back?" He asks sounding surprised.

"Yeah she transferred back."

"Alright tell her I said what's up, and I'll see you in the morning." He says dapping me.

"Alright." I say.

James follows behind La Mar, and throws up the peace sign at me.

A few minutes later I start to become impatient on waiting.

That's until I see Kairi walking out of the buliding right past me.

I get up quickly, and rush after her as I call her name.

When she see's me she stops to let me catch up to her.

It's all clear to me now, Kairi is the girl James was talking about on the first day of school. He said she was staring at me, but I don't mind at all.

She's cute, but it's too bad La Mar has a crush on her already.

"Hey." I say the minute I stand beside her with a smile.

"Hey." She says smiling back.

"You know, I don't pretend I don't have talent. I'm just not that good." I say in response to her comment from eariler.

"There's always room for improvement in everything, but that doesn't mean you're not that good."

I couldn't help but smile again. "You have a way with words."

"I know." She says smiling too.

"So, you walk home?" I ask changing the subject.

"Usually my brother picks me up, but he stayed overtime at work."

Before I can say anything someone interrupts us.

"Kai come on, we have get home before your brother makes it back. I want to play on his super nintendo console." The guy says.

My eyes widen. "Your brother has a super nintendo console?" I ask her.

Kairi nods. "He also has nintendo 64."

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