Chapter 13 ♡

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I woke up and started my friday morning with a nice shower.

Last night I partied real late with my friends and my mother was not too fond that I came home at two in the morning.

I overheard my grandmother and my mother discussing it, and now I know what to expect as soon as I come face to face with my mother.

Things have changed since last month of school, and more when I was just hitting my first days of summer break.

Like a light switch, I quickly started getting into bad habits.

I step out of the shower when I hear my momma yelling my name.

I dry off quickly and throw on a blue sweater, jeans, and matching shoes.

When I walk into the living room, the first person I see is La Mar sitting on the couch.

"What's up, Mar!" I say with a nod.

La Mar nods, not saying a word, and I step further into the living room.

Momma is standing by the entrance of the kitchen just a couple of inches away.

Quickly, she steps closer to me and angrily scolds me in amharic. She warns me about staying out late, and I try to calm her down.

La Mar drifts his eyes back and forth, clueless on what is going on.

Eventually, after a long second, she waves me off in dismissal and disappears into the kitchen.

"Damnnn, she's pissed. She wasn't happy to see me." La Mar says.

"She's real pissed, I got home at two in the morning." I say as I sit next to him on the couch.

"My mom told me you came by the crib last night?"

"Yeah bro, where the fuck where you? Kelo invited us, and I thought you were coming through to his crib. You missed the party."

It took him a second as if he was thinking twice about what he was about to say.

"Me and Kairi went to visit Nora." La Mar says nonchalant.

When I heard Kai's name it just reminded me how much I miss her, it's been a while since I last seen her.

"How is Kai holding up?" I ask.

"You really care bro?" La Mar asks.

I furrow my eyebrows at his question. "Fuck you mean Mar? You know I do."

"All I'm saying is that you haven't checked up on her at all, and she isn't doing too well. You should know Nora is not getting any better, and her brother Julian is still no where to be found."

I sigh. "I been meaning to check up on her."

Mar and I knew what I said was straight bullshit.

"You're not doing anything today." La Mar suggested.

"Actually, Kelo is throwing another big ass party at his crib, I told him i'll be there. Are you down?" I ask, changing the subject.

"You know I am, but -"

"But what, Mar? I ask, cutting him off. Kelo will have all the good shit, all the strong shit. I'm not just talking about the weed."

"I'm down, bro."

I nod. "Cool, and in the meantime, I got one we can smoke right now."

La Mar and I dismissed ourselves from my momma, but not without her warning me one last time not to come home too late.

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