Freindship Can Be A Struggle...

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Hey, hey, hey!

So, back again after my long absence - firstly, I'm so sorry for leaving for so long! I was trying to regain a little bit of my sanity before braving this. You can't give advice if you aren't following it yourself - it's hypocritical and I was the worst at being exactly that.

Anyways, I'm back with more advice! :)

Recently, I've been in contact with a girl who I can relate to so much. She told me she was feeling really left out by people she thought were her 'friends'. They were only talking to her when they wanted to look good, actually noticed how down she was feeling or simply as they had nobody else to contact or talk to.

If you are in a similar situation, perhaps remove yourself from this stressful situation.

Staying in it and continuing to feel left out can bring on symptoms of anxiety and depression. Jealousy and physical pain may also become noticeable.

Go for a walk.

Think about who you're real friends are. Who has been there for you through everything?

Try to clarify everything in your mind and remember that life carries on, so make the most of it. Use the pain to make you stronger. Turn away if you have to.

Remember: the hardest decisions to make are usually the right ones.

If you have to leave, do it. They'll either realise everything what you did when you aren't there or they'll be happier and so will you. Have a bath or relax. Tell yourself you are worth time and effort and that you deserve better, because you probably do.

True friends are out there - sometimes they're just harder to find.

Every situation is different, so perhaps this won't be the advice you need, but remember: my dms are always open. 


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