Love, Love, Love

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I'm back with this next chapter - even if this doesn't help you, I'm ready and waiting in the messages to help you!

A girl came to me a few days ago with a dilemma that many of us fear could happen to us: the guy she has a crush on considers her a friend. They speak over social media, but at college, they only share awkward glances. She's scared to tell him she likes him as many other girls like him and he may just view her as another girl and reject her.

I left the following advice with her:

If he was her friend, he wouldn't be misleading her because it causes so much pain. To talk to him about her feelings, but in real life not on social media. If he respected her like a friend, he would listen.

Yes, he may reject her and he may stop talking - he's either shocked or isn't worth your time.

However, to also say that you enjoy being friends but to be more would mean a lot.

I also said to get to know him in real life. If he was to have the same feelings, to stand out from the rest of these girls, it would be easier if she spoke to him like a human being, and not talk about him to someone else.

If everything above was going to be harder to do, it might be worth her time taking a 'friend of a friend dilemma' and ask him what he'd do as it would also get his attention that you want to know his approach.

Obviously, there is no guarantee that this advice would have a positive outcome - sometimes to have a perfect view of love is a very dangerous one. Love is knowing that there will be hard times and you have to get through them in a relationship - to have a fight and keep going.

Know, if you must, it may be better to turn the page in your life and try to move on if it doesn't work out. There is nothing worse than wasting time on someone who doesn't go out of their way for you.

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