One - Oh shit, he's gonna know

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Peter was ready to be home. His chest ached from the constricting binder, and it already hurt from Flash's punches at it during the gym beat up. He exhales a small cloud, and looked up at the small snowflakes falling from the sky. His eyes narrow at the myriad of fragile ice before he pushed into the entrance of his apartment building.

The old wood stairs of the building squeaked and groaned as Peter made his way to his small home. Running a hand through his dull, ginger curls he pushed the cracked door with his foot. The door was always cracked a bit around when he came home for May was cooking up something about then.

"Aunt May! I'm home!" Peter called out as he kicked off his clunky snow boots that made it hard to walk properly. He set down his over stuffed, blue backpack that was covered in pins from anything. He walked down the hallway to hear loud, but to humans kinda soft, laughter. Peter stepped into the living room, taking in the details. Everything looked normal up until his eyes reached his old, navy couch. Sitting next to May, was Tony Stark clad in sunglasses and a baseball cap in his grasp.

"Peter! Mr. Stark wants to bring you to the tower! Isn't that wonderful!" May smiled and clapped her hands. Her curled, brown hair tied up in a messy bun, a few soft curls falling on her face.

Peter throws on a large smile, quickly getting excited, "Really? I'm gonna be with the Avengers? Oh god, Mr. Stark I dunno if they would accept me...!" His hands started fidgeting with the small handmade bracelet on his arm, a nervous habit that calms him.

Tony watched him in careful precision before speaking once again, "I mean, It's not like they haven't been begging me to bring the SpiderKid to the tower." That clicked in Peter again, the excitement kicking in again. His aunt just laughed at the quick mood shifts, before speaking.

"I got your stuff packed, Mr. Stark would like you there all summer for training and such." Petter nodded quickly and bounded to his room to pack up some "secret" things he hid around.

Aunt May sighs and looks at Tony, her eyes suddenly serious. "You do know about...what he's going through correct?"

He knew, Tony knew since Germany. He knew since Peter was crippled with one hit to the chest. He knew when they got back in the hotel room and the red binder laid on the floor by the bed. So, he just nodded. "I'll...Let the boy tell me in his own time...and I'll keep close watch on his watchouts so he won't be harmed."

Peter stood beside May as Happy, which wasn't what his name entailed, put his bags into the back of the Limo. Tony walked up to Peter, "I have to go, an emergency just came up. Don't worry, Happy is just gonna bring you to the building and you can meet the others!"

Peter just nodded, "If it's emergency you s-should go Mr. Stark!" Tony just chuckled and walked off, tapping his chest so his nanosuit covered his body and flew off.

Peter climbed into the limo and waved May goodbye. He leaned back after she disappeared into the apartment and closed his eyes.

'Damn, Meeting the Avengers without Tony...? This will be just great...'

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