Two - Avengers Plus One

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Peter sighed and looked up to the building. He fixed how his backpack sat on his back and pulled the handle up from his suitcase. Peter didn't bring a lot, just enough so Tony didn't bother him about being unprepared. After school Monday, for it was Friday, he would stop and pick up the rest of his clothes and things, plus his,new bottle of T.

He sighed and shrugged, 'Here goes nothing.' He walked into the elevator and stared at the numbers, huffing when he couldn't figure out which one he needed.

"Mr. Parker, May I ask where you want to go?" the robotic voice of FRIDAY rang through the air. Peter jolted at the sound, not expecting it to happen, even though his Spidey senses told him something would spook him.

"O-Oh, uh, Where are all the Avengers Friday?" Peter said, wanting to go where the most were, also softly praying Natasha would be in that group.

"Mr. Stark had asked for them to meet you in the main living room at this time, would you like to go there?" Peter said a quiet yes and the elevator started to move up to the level.

"Do you think the kid will be scared of me?" Bucky asked his best friend, his flesh hand rubbing his metal arm.

"Yeah right, the kid will probably be more afraid of Nat then anyone else!" Clint said, snickering under his breath before the said redhead smacked his head.

"If I may interject. Karen said that Mr. Parker actually wants to see Ms. Romanoff first," the AI of the building spoke up, making Natasha grin.

"...Looks like Mistress Widow is favored by the young Spidermale."

Peter inhaled and stepped out into the hallway leading to the living room. His hand clentched white with anxiety and he took steps closer to the heroes of earth.

He stopped in the entrance of the room, his eyes quickly scanning around for familiar faces. He broke out in a wide grin at Natasha, setting his stuff down so that way he could walk around more comfortably.

"It looks like the SpiderMan is a highschooler..." Clint spoke up, making everyone look toward the person in question. He visibly tensed as everyone gazed at him, analyzing him.

"I'm so gonna murder Tony," Steve growled under his breath, "I could have seriously injured him." Peter opened his mouth to come back at him, before realizing he was right. He could've been really hurt.

In a true Stark Fashion However, Tony ruined the tense air by carrying a small brunette girl into the room, "Hey guys, Meet my two new kids. This is Peter, and this little dear is Briar!"

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