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This is how it started....
I went to the study group and met your friend. He found out that I was half Japanese and told me that you were too. I got excited... of course I did, I had yet to meet anyone here who is half Japanese, let alone of Japanese descent. I asked him to introduce me to you.

He looked cautious which I still do not understand to this day and he hesitantly said he would ask you. You answered him saying there is a Japanese conversation group on campus and I could email the professor for more information.

I was confused because I wasn't sure if it was because you didn't want to meet me.. I hadn't even met you and I already thought you were kind of a jerk. Haha. Sorry about that.

I added your friend on the messaging app and sent him my contact information to send to you, so you could just email me the details of the club personally instead of him relaying it to me.. He answered back with your contact information and a text that said, "He said I can." I was so confused, I am still confused. To this day, I have no idea why you did that. It actually makes me laugh now because it was so odd.

I added your information and you didn't text me for over a week. I was concerned, so I decided to text you in Japanese asking about the discussion group. I had heard you could speak Japanese and was so excited about being able to speak in my native language again.

You answered with a short explanation about how you were running short on time in Japanese, and that you would type the rest in English. You sent me a crazy long paragraph about the information and the time and room number. I was honestly stunned. I assumed that you were not good at Japanese and kind of was disappointed. Because if you had to type all of that in English, I assumed... yeah, I thought you must have been not that good.

I still remember it. I didn't take a nap that day because I had to go to the club and I didn't want to miss it. I walked in and saw a kid sitting there and he introduced himself in Japanese. I honestly thought he was you for a good five minutes. Then you texted me that you would arrive exactly at 12:30pm and to go to the room. Because you were texting me so bluntly I was actually upset. I assumed you were so rude and so brazen. It makes me laugh now. Well, actually it's still kind of true. Haha. I'm kidding. Just a little.

You walked in and I remember not even knowing it was you because you do not have a profile photo on the messaging app. I could feel my cheeks heat up and my heart start to race. I didn't know that my body could do those things at such a fast rate. You sat right next to me and said, "Oh, you're here.", in Japanese.

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