Chapter 2

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Eventually we made it to a dark looking cave. "I have a flashlight so we can see.Hold on i'll get it." I said taking off my backpack and digging through it til I pulled out a flashlight. "Found it!" I said zipping up My backpack and swinging it onto my shoulder once again. I pushed the switch on the flashlight making it turn on. I soon started slowly making my way into the cave trying to be quite. Freeze and Snow followed behind me. I walked farther into the cave but stopped when I saw a flash of some sort beside me. I got on my knees and slowly moved a rock away from the flashing light.

"Breeze, what are you doing?" Freeze asked. I could hear the shakiness in her voice.

"I found something!" I said holding up a necklace with a light blue diamond in the middle.

"Cool!Wait?How did you find that?" Snow asked crossing her arms and glaring at the necklace. "It was under a rock!" I said smiling happily.

"It looks old and gross just let me have it" Snow said reaching for the necklace.

"No!Finders keepers!" I said moving the necklace away from Snow and hugging it.

"Let's just go, guys. I think I hear something in there," Freeze said pointing to another cave inside of the one we were in.

"Yeah,c'mon Breeze" Snow said. But before she could grab my wrist something jumped out of the cave. It was a beast with red antlers,a big body,with a small tail,and a head half the size of its body. Snow and Freeze screamed while trying to get me up from the ground. I was frozen,I couldn't move from my spot. The beast jumped towards me and my twin sisters growling. I started to get really dizzy and then fell to the ground but before my eyes closed I felt something lach around my neck. Snow and Freeze where trying to fight the monster with the knives they had. It wasn't working to well cause when Freeze tried to hit the beast it swatted its paw at Freeze and scratched her side badly making her fall to the ground in pain.

"Ow,ow,ow,ow,OW!" Freeze screamed in pain while hold the scratch on her side. Snow tried to help Freeze but the monster was getting closer to my two sisters. The beast brought its paw up getting ready to scratch them before I ran past knocking the monster to the ground growling. Snow looked up to see me but I had light blue bunny ears and a white fluffy tail. Snow was a little surprised. I turned around to see Snow looking at me shocked and Freeze on the ground passed out. Snow looked into my eyes but only able to see white. My eyes were full on white. I quickly acted and grabbed Freeze,put her on my back,then grabbed Snow's hand and raced out of the cave. When we were far enough I stopped by a lake and set Freeze down.

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