Chapter 3

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"What was that?"Snow yelled making me jump a little.

"I....don't know..." I said looking at my hands a little freaked out. I looked down at my twin sister Freeze. She was still passed out. I took off my backpack and opened it to see if I had anything helpful. I dug through My backpack till I pulled out a bandage. I pulled Freeze's shirt up a little so I could see the scratch. I then wrapped it up in the bandage and pulled Freeze's shirt back down.

"There.can you carry her Sno-" I said looking up as I was talking,but only to find Snow not in her spot. I started to freak out. I didn't know where my other sister went. I stood up and looked around. "Where can she be?" I said quietly to myself. I walked around for a little bit til I found her. Snow was sitting beside a lake mumbling stuff that I couldn't understand. I walked up to Snow and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. "

What do you want Breeze?" Snow said not moving. Her voice sounded irritated like she didn't want to talk to me.

"I was wondering where you went. We need to get going before Freeze loses too much blood" I said hearing Snow sigh and get up.

"Fine...let's get going" Snow said not looking me in the eyes but looking at the diamond necklace instead.

"Okay!Follow me" I said happy once again. I started walking back to the passed out Freeze,Snow following behind.

When we finally made it to our house, I sat Freeze down on our dark blue and white couch and walked into the kitchen. Snow walked into the house taking off her white shoes and putting them by the door. She walked over to the couch. Her passed out sister Freeze was laying on and sat next to her. Snow was thinking about the necklace and the power it had. She got up from the couch and walked into her room getting on the bed,going to sleep. I walked out of the kitchen with a blanket from the closet in the kitchen. I pulled the blanket onto Freeze and tucked her in. Then I walked up the stairs and walked to my room. I opened the light blue door and walked in jumping onto my bed face first falling asleep.

Snow woke up at 3:33 AM rubbing her eyes.She walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water. She then remembered the necklace I had around my neck. She quickly and quietly put the bottle down and walked up the stairs to my room. She quietly opened the door and walked in trying to be as quiet as she could.She quickly walked over to me and took off the necklace around my neck. The glowing necklace slowly stopped glowing,the light on the diamond fading. She tipy toed out of my room and ran to her room shutting and locking the door. She quickly put the necklace on waiting for the power to turn her into an animal. She waited and waited but nothing happened. She walked over to her mirror and saw the necklace wasn't even glowing. She started to get really angry with the diamond necklace. She cursed at the necklace until she saw it slowly glow a evil kinda red. She slowly noticed red aura around her floating. Her eyes then turned black. She laughed evilly knowing that she was now in control. Snow started to float off of the ground. She stopped laughing and flew out of her white/blueish window,laughing even more evilly.

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