11: A Treat To Poison

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She put on her mask and took in a deep breath...

Nioka pov:

It's been long since I wore this mask. For some reason it smells like the plastic I worn it the first day I became anbu.


Protecting the village.

Those were our duties. Those were my duties. Once.

I take it off. Not today. Today I'm just a normal ninja chasing down a pearl.

I take out my kunai and swings it across a few times. That's right. I'm a ninja. This kunai... This feels right. I'm going to track the man who burned down my store.

The door knocked and I went to the door " oh . Kakashi. "

Kakashi : you're ready.

Nioka : it's still early.

Kakashi: I just came to check on you. You're sure you want to come ?

I nods " I want to look him in the face and make him regret. "

Kakashi: just know. I'm here with you.

Nioka : um...

Nioka : I have a little request.

Minato : what is it ?

Nioka : I would like to go meet that man as a businessman to another business man.

Minato I see. I guess that's fine.

Nioka : I don't need kakashi with me. I would be fine.  I'm sure you have other things for him.

Kakashi: I'm fine going with you.

Minato ; I don't want to you to get in trouble either.

Nioka : ok then...

The two started traveling...

Kakashi: why did you tell sensei you didn't want me to come ?

Nioka : nothing. I just thought the village would need you more. Mine are just petty issues.

He stopped in his steps " you issues are not petty issues. " She looked back " um... "


They reached the mansion...

Nioka : hi. I would like to meet Yamato-san.

" Oh. Miss miyanagi. Come in. "

They were led into the inner house and sat down with tea and snacks.

Yamato came in and sat on the opposite side " what made you make the long journey ? "

Nioka : two days journey is long considering I have a grudge you against you.

Yamato: oh ? What did I do ?

Nioka : you know. Return the pearl. Or I'll steal it. It's that simple.

Yamato : even if I have this ? Come in !!

The door slides open on the other side and a boy scared was being held hostage by another ninja who had a knife to him.

Kakashi: he is...

Nioka : lira's younger brother.

Yamato : I'll offer you two options. Drink this poison and die. I'll return the boy and the pearl.

He takes out a cup pours the wine and drips a few drops from the vial he takes out from his pocket.

Yamato ; or... Watch the boy die and then maybe your friend either succeeds stealing the pearl or dies trying.

Nioka sighs " 6-7 outside? " Kakashi nods " seem so. "

Nioka : the poison does look tempting.

Kakashi; nioka . You're not thinking...

Nioka : remember Mount Sinai ?

Kakashi: .... Nioka...

Nioka : you hate me that much ?

Yamato: you took my business. Sold information that trashed my business. Hmph. This is karma.

Nioka : that's revenge. You failed your language ?

She takes up the cup " remember to make sure he keeps his promise." And she drinks the cup.

Yamato: hahaha...

And she collapses. The boy was returned but not the pearl. But for now , kakashi had nioka to think of. He carried her over his shoulder and left first.

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