Chapter 17

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Hosu City

Hana shakes her head and raises her staff.

"Nevermind! I command thee to assist, water fairy!" She reveals a tall light blue fairy out of her staff.

"Quickly put out the fire!" She commands as she turns to Izuku.

"Find Iida! He's after the hero killer! I gave him my cyan pellet!" Izuku sprints away from the danger as Hana's fairy finishes the job. She feels a buzz from her pocket and checks to see a location from Izuku.

'The hero killer!'

Hana follows the cyan glow to the location to see Todoroki's arm almost sliced. Her eyes turn red and charges at them as her slow motion takes action.

'I can't duck in time!'

She manages to push Todoroki down and duck her head down. Her hair gets cut by the blade, turning into a lighter shade. At the same time Iida breaks Stain's blade with his recipro burst.

"Hana!" Todoroki quickly blasts his fire at Stain as Iida asks to freeze his legs.

"You're in the way!" Stain tosses his daggers as Hana covers Todoroki with one of the blades stabbing her arm. Iida gets hit by the other dagger.

"Just do it, hurry!" Hana pulls out the dagger and sees her dead blood pouring out

'Damn I can't do more harm..'

She tosses the knife back to Stain and leaps to hit him in the stomach.

Stain licks her blood and realizes she's still moving

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Stain licks her blood and realizes she's still moving. Hana also took notice and goes back down for Iida and Izuku to strike the last blow. She sees Stain knocked out in Todoroki's ice.

"We'll need to take care of him." They tie up Stain and take his blades away from him. Hana looks at Stain and pats him down after thinking about the lack of hidden blades.

"Hana we already got his-" Izuku insists, but she already took out hidden blades from his pants and proceeds to take his shoes off.

"An assassin always have back ups." She states as she reveals more blades from his shoes and glares at them.

"Be glad I know more than you."

Izuku looks to the ground embarrassed, "Yes ma'am."

Hana glances over at Iida and Todoroki. They both bow down and mutter, "Understood." She huffs as an old man appears out at the street.

"Gran Torino!"

'Must be his intern'

More back up arrives as Iida apologizes to Izuku. Hana strolls over and hits his head causing Izuku to screech.

"Manual told you to not go for vengeance.." She sighs and places her hands on her hips, "At least you understand now." He looks in shock.

"M-Midoriya san.."

"Call me Hana, that's what friends do right?" Her smile falters as Izuku's intern shouts.

"Get down!" Hana twists to see a Nomu flying over to them.

'Him again?!'

The Nomu snatches Izuku and flies off with him.

"Izuku!" Hana shouts in desperation. She twirls her staff and shoots sleeping powder at his direction.

"Don't inhale it Izuu!" Stain quickly escapes from the rope and licks off the Nomu's blood from the hero's cheek and leaps with his dagger. He stabs the Nomu in the brain and holds Izuku from leaving. Hana's eyes glows red and her hair floats up in anger.

"Get away from my dongsaeng!" Everyone stays frozen at her burst of anger. She stomps slowly as her emotions gets stronger. Endeavor arrives to see Hana getting closer to Stain and Izuku.

"You fake, I must make things right.." Stain stares at Endeavor and takes a step forward.

"Try and get me you fakes!" Stain's killer intent swarms around everyone, but Hana. His aura was almost as intense as hers.

Hana shouts with more aggressiveness in her voice, "Get away from him or I'll make your life a living hell Stain!" Her aura pushes his and gave him the chills. He stops in place and goes unconscious from his injuries. Hana walks past Stain and sees Izuku's away from him. She calms down, but remembers his expression.

'He's fine, but he's-'

She falls to the ground and hears Izuku crying for her before passing out. They end up going to the hospital.

"Were you able to sleep, Midoriya?" Izuku ponders before responding.

"No, not really.." All four of them shared a room while Hana was still sleeping in her bed.

"It's just.." Iida and Todoroki leans in to listen. Izuku glances at Hana, "I've never seen Hana so vicious after the sports festival." She's seen sleeping with her arm bandaged over her body.

"Her intent to harm Stain because I was hostage overpowered his," He turns back to them to finish his thoughts.

"Hana kept her emotions and barely expressed them and to see her so angry just.. scared me." Manual and Gran Torino enters the room to in check.

"Oh, are you wounded kids awake?"


"You've got a visitor." Hana slightly wakes up from the noise and a dog headed man shows up.

"Oh you can stay seated, woof." Hana chokes and sits up.

"H-Hana you're awake!" She glances over in confusion and tries to go back to sleep since her head slightly hurts.

"Keep it down.." After hearing the chief's reason, Manual speaks up, "Well, we need to take responsibility for being negligent in our supervisory duties." Hana finally closes her eyes as Iida bows to Manual. Izuku leaves the room to answer Uraraka while she and Iida gets examined on their arm.

'I wonder how Toga's doing..'

"Izuku.. Iida and Midoriya just finished getting examined" Hana zones out before hearing 'long term damage' and listens to Iida.

"A-Ah, Hana what was your examination about?" Izuku managed to ask. She turns to Izuku and hesitates to respond.

"They're confused as to why I got hurt, but my body didn't get a signal to the damage causing no pain."

'That's right Hana's..'

"I told them my body was numb due to my quirk limit."

She closes her eyes, "It's nothing to worry about, but I'll have to watch out for blood loss." Todoroki deadpans and looks at his hand.

"I feel bad." Everyone turns to him.

"I seem to hurt people's hand every time they're near me." Hana bursts out laughing and give a smile at him. He side glances over and sees her smiling.

"Shoto chan, you must be the hand crusher then right?" Shoto blushes lightly as Izuku and Iida laugh.

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