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This is really the worst day of my life. First, i was 30 fucking minutes late to the reunion and plus 10 minutes because of the interrogation with the guy I bumped into.

Thankfully, he's kind. I know the impact is really strong but he kept saying hes alright so yeah. But I made sure to give my number cuz you know, he might have some injuries that he hides. I saw his nameplate, his name is Kim Taehyung. Im sure its Kim Taehyung I analyzed the nameplate.....no uhhhh because you know I....uh might say sorry if I see him again. He also looked uhh......handsome? B-but of c-course Jimin is more handsome. Ahh no! Jeon Jungkook Forget it!

I shrugged off my thoughts and placed my hands on the steering wheel and started to drive.

Instead of thinking of the man earlier, I decided to think about Jimin. How would he feel about the proposal....would he say no.......or maybe yes....

I imagined Kneeling before Jimin taking out my diamond ring and proposing while people scream for him to say yes. I imagined him hugging me and saying "Yes" multiple times. I smiled at the thought.
I reached for my pocket to take out the ring but when my hand touched the outer part, I felt nothing. I pulled out my pocket to check and nothing was inside. I checked my bag and other pocket to see if theres really nothing and yes no signs of ring.

Then I thought of the scene earlier with the man. I was walking....then I bumped to him.....and THERE. I remember hearing sound of a fallen object. Ughhhhh!!!! STUPID STUPID STUPID. IM REALLY REALLY SO FUCKING STUPID.

Kim Taehyung

Gosh, the man is really handsome! His handsome face, his big body, his bunny teeth. Im fucking whipped! I mentally slapped my self. "Snap out of it Kim Taehyung!! He might have a boyfriend!"
I shaked my head several timea and decided to leave.

As I took my first step, I stepped on something hard. "Ow! What the hell is that." I looked down and saw a tiny box full of glitters. I picked it up and analyzed it. "It's a ring box." I opened it and saw a diamond ring with pearls around it. "Wow...beautiful, I wonder who owns this." I stopped for a moment then my eyes began to travel at the sorroundings to see if someone is looking for the ring. When I saw that no one is looking for it, I took it out of the box and wore it. It looked beautiful on my finger.

"Since nobody is looking for you, youre mine now." I placed the box on my pocket and left with a smile.

While walking, I looked at the ring again. "Its so beautiful. Im sure Jimin would be Jealous of this." I grinned at the thought of my bestfriend interrogating me about the ring. I let out a chuckle and entered my car.

.....Who knew that a simple ring will make tears and cause pain

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