Chapter 4 pt 2

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"Why is he here" Jungkook thought while staring at Taehyung.

Taehyung thinks hard
"Maybe I should ignore him. No, I should ask why hes here." He bites his lip hardly

Jungkook stares hardly at Taehyung as he bites his lip. "Shit he looks hot." Jungkook thinks.

He slapped himself hardly  "You have a boyfriend. Be loyal to Jimin" He snapped out of his thoughts and just waved to the man.

Jungkook opened his car door and was about to go in but ge remembers something.

The ring.

He was also there when the ring fell.

Maybe he saw it.

He closed his car again and went to approach Taehyung who is still staring at him.

He stood infront of Taehyung. Knees shaking and at loss of words. He doesnt even remember that he was going to ask about the ring.

Jungkook clears his throat several times before talking. "I-uhhh Ummmm...." he thinks for a word. "CAN I HAVE YOUR NUMBER?" The words made him shocked.

Taehyung looks surprised at first but suddenly smirks "And why would you like to have my number?" He asks smirk getting more wider

Jungkook thinks and thinks.."Its because.....I Have to male sure you didnt have some injuries!He says, a panicked tone on his voice.

Taehyung makes a teasing pout while nodding. "Okay," then he took out his pen and held out his hand.

Jungkook not knowing what to do, kept staring at the hand then back at Taehyung.

Taehyung helds his hand more nearer to Jungkook this time but Jungkook only looked at it again.

Then jungkook held the hand and shaked it.

Taehyung looks at hin with a unamused expression then grabbed his arm and wrote the number on his palm.

Jungkook makes a face of realization."ahh so that was it"

After writing the number,Taehyung smiles brightly.

"Ok darling, ill be going now. Feel free to message me!" He says at he walks away with a wink.

Jungkook felt his hard beating loudly in his chest.

"What is this that im feeling." He asks himself while putting his hand on his chest

What is it?

You didnt even ask him why he was there.

Kim Taehyung

Bless Park Jimin for teaching me how to tease

Tsk tsk tsk

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