CHAPTER 1 - The Attack

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~ ~ INTRO ~ ~

Hey guys!! Welcome. This story is a roleplay between my friend and I, he wanted to roleplay as Law and the Heart Pirates. Every other character is played by me. I hope you will enjoy it just as me!! Happy reading ~

Laws POV:

'Today is a good day,' he thought as he adjusted his shades while waiting in line to be able to meet his idol and crush, 'Captain' kidd, the most famous rockstar of the season.
Time flew by and before he knew it, he was next in line to be able to talk to kidd when shouting suddenly started and glass bottles flew past him, hitting kidd in the face and nose hard enough to have him get knocked over.
Fans began to scream but law rushed over, pulling kidd to his lap and checking how bad the damage was, a broken nose and a hard blow on the head, he pulled out a handkerchief and pressed on the wound gently.

"Stay with me, don't pass out Kidd-ya"

Kids POV:

I was on my usual stroll to meet and greet with some fans, usual boring stuff, sign stupid posters with fans wanting to take pictures and hug me, God I hate to be hugged. Today I was just generally in a bad mood, but I put up a good front for my fans.
Then suddenly out of fucking nowhere here comes this bottle right in my face and everything turns pitch black, I just hear screaming and someone insulting me. Where the fuck are my bodyguards?!
I put my hands on my face and all I can feel is wet and a metallic taste in my mouth. I can feel someone holding me and talking to me but my head is all over the place, I can hardly hear anything.


I'm not sure how much time passed but I slowly woke up in a hospital bed surrounded by body guards.
Next to the bed there was a mirror on the counter top, I reached over slowly making sure I was careful not to make any more damage, I put the mirror in front of my face and all I could see was bandages and a cast on my nose.

"FUCK!" I shouted.

Then suddenly there was a knock on the door, it was Jack, one of my bodyguards.

"Kid, there is somebody who would like to talk to you. He claims to have been there to help you, he kept insisting on coming to see you I can't seem to get him to leave."
"What the fuck man can't you see I'm in a shit state now? People can't see me like this." I replied annoyed.
"I know but he won't leave unless he speaks to you" Jack answered softly.
"ah fuck it fine, let him in"

I was fucking pissed, but if this person is just gonna hang around the bloody hospital waiting on me, might as well let him speak whatever he has to say, after all he did help me apparently.

Laws POV:

Law walked in with a clipboard and warily gave him a smile.
"Evening..? I'm the one who handled you today, i'm sorry i couldn't patch you up but i did manage to correct everything back in place, i'm here to hand over your medication and tell your release is tomorrow morning, i know you wouldn't want to stay here since it's tour season"
he hands him a bottle and a piece of paper, eyeing his handy work with the bandaging
"that should help with the pain, any questions before i leave?"

Kids POV:

I see this black haired, tall guy walk in, with a doctors blouse on and some tattoos on his hand. He looked professional but there was something about him that struck me... He was kinda red in the face when he came in. The kinda reaction I would normally get from a fan. He was clearly trying to hold in his fangirl moment.

"wait you're my doctor?" I look at him confused
"I'm sorry but my bodyguard thought you were a fan I didn't realise you were the doctor"

I swear to God Jack, I'm gonna fucking fire you, how stupid can you be not to recognize a fucking doctor by its uniform.. What an idiot.

"I'm sorry to ask doctor, but how am I supposed to go out looking like this on tour? I had multiple fractures on my bloody face how am I supposed to perform looking like a fucking zombie?"

it seemed pretty strange that he would release me the day after I got my face caved in by a glass bottle.

Laws POV:

"That, i took care of that, i corrected every dent and fracture, i also added an extra dose of inflammatory while you were in surgery, you just have to rest for a week and let my stitches heal, then your good as new."

He leaned down to gently take the loose bandaging off

"see? Just sore but your fine."
He held the mirror up, law scratched his arm, trying to hold back wanting to hug the man but he was the surgeon of death right now and not law the fanboy who loves alt rock.

Kids POV:

I glanced at the doctor taking off my bandages from my face, his touch was very gentle and he smelled of some kind of rose aroma.. Kinda strange for a man, but nonetheless he did look quite handsome. I don't usually go for men, i prefer women, but there was some charm to this doctor for some reason.
I look into the mirror to see a fresh face, yeah still had the huge stitches on the side of my face and on my eye... I guess I'll be having huge scars after this.

"right... Seems like you did a pretty good job doctor. Thanks a lot. But my bodyguard said you were there at the time of the incident... Were you there for my signing? What happened?" I stared at him waiting for a response

Laws POV:

"A hate group came suddenly and began bottling, i was there just to meet you, yes, i would have had something for you to sign but sadly i gave all my limited copies to my co workers here that adore you."
He gently caressed the stitches

"just don't touch it too much and let it sit, it won't scar, i should know, i've put myself together" he joked and gently wrapped his face again, patting his cheek

"yes, i was wearing my uniform under a coat during the meet, i think your body guard thought it was a costume since i had it on when i ran to you" he explained.

Kids POV:

I let the doctor change the bandages on my face and listened carefully.

"a hate group? God fucking damn" I said in a low tone to myself.

Where the hell was Jack and the other lazy bastards.. I swear to God if they were getting those stupid chocolate sprinkled donuts again I'll fire them all.

"well doctor. I can't thank you enough, don't worry about those copies, I'll give you as many as you'd like and I'll make sure to sign all of them. Thank God you were at my signing right then. Since I can tell you're a big fan of mine, is there anything else I can do to return the favor for saving my ass out there?"

Laws POV:

Law's face was flustered as he looked down at him, his professional face completely gone and was so close to letting out an unmanly squeak

".. C-c-could i h-have a p-picture a-and your n-number..?" He mumbled shyly and looked away as his face began to turn red and travel up to his ears
"i.. Uh.. Wait. That's personal, maybe uh lunch.. No, that's worst, just an authograph?"

He rambled and bit his lip 'god damn it law, for fucks sake! Keep it together YOU AREN'T A SCHOOL GIRL' he scolded himself

Kids POV:

I was just staring playfully as this man started having a full on fangirl attack on me, something I'm used to but the context and situation was just so funny to me.

"Ahahahahahaha... , wow you sure do love me dont you?" I laughed out loud and smirked at the grown man, completely red in the face.

truthfully, I found that to be quite cute.

"well... First of all, tell me what your name is. I didn't quite catch it earlier." I ask as I sit up in my hospital bed.

" A Dangerous Liaison" - ONE PIECE [KID X LAW] (18+)Where stories live. Discover now