Chapter 13

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Keith's POV

It had been a week since Lance had admitted his feelings to him. Soon the awkward tension between got too much for Keith to handle, Lance seemed stressed too.

"Hey." He stopped Lance on his way out of their room.
"We, we should talk." Keith looked at his shoes nervously.
"Yeah." Lance agreed.
"I guess." They stood on opposite sides of the small dorm room looking nervous.

"What are we? What is our relationship? I'm just confused." Keith started.
"Honestly I don't know." Lance ran his fingers through his hair.

"Lance what do I mean to you?"
"Uh, I," Lance stuttered. Keith walked over and wrapped his arms around him.

Lance took a deep breath.
"Keith. That day during PE when James attacked you... I still don't know what went through me. You still annoyed me so much. Heck I still thought you hated me at that point-"
Keith cut him off.

"Listen. Lance I never hated you. Every person I've ever loved left me. The only person that didn't leave was Shiro. You reminded me so much of my 6th grade friend Michael. He promised he'd never leave me, he ended up being hit by a semitruck in Miami 5 summers ago."
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine." Keith said.
"What's happened has happened and there's nothing anyone can do."

"I was so scared Keith, I waited in the hospital for 5 hours. I  was beside myself with almost losing you. I jus-"

"Enough talk already," Keith pulled Lance in and their lips collided. Lance had a powerful energy running through him. Boy it felt amazing.

Lance's POV

Keith pulled him in. Lance could feel his passion and energy running through his veins. He knew how he felt about this now.

"I love you." Lance whispered softly tears welling in his eyes. The shorter boy slowly loosened his grip.
"I love you too." Keith started crying too.
"But. I can't... I have to go. Swimming practice."
"Wait! Lance,"
Lance let go of the hug. Keith's arms fell to his sides
He turned and left, looking back at Keith standing in the middle of the room he walked out.

Keith's POV

He sat on the rug and bawled his eyes out for nearly two hours. Once he stopped crying enough to see properly he through his pencil jar onto his desk. Reaching for a fist-full of pencils and a couple of sheets of paper.

Started with a black pencil, violently scribbling on the paper. Then moving on to the other colours. Keith ended up with some prices of slightly torn paper with pencil marks all over them. He paused briefly before grabbing his lighter and stormed out.

Lances POV

Lance met Romelle in the parking lot. She was wearing the schools grey and orange trackpants and blue sweatshirt.
"Hey Lance." She waved.

They took Romelle's car, Lance played Top40 on the radio.
"So. You ready to kick some Butt?" Romelle said.
"Yeah! You?"
She nodded.
"So what's going on with you and Keith? You've both been real tense round each other."
"Honestly." Lance said.
"I have no idea. It's complicated."
"Yeah. Though you've gotta admit, Keith's hella hot."
"Shut up," Lance blushed.

Keith's POV

After walking about  2 hours away from school. Keith stopped at the side of the road and lay down the pieces of paper. He set himself down and lit the lighter, staring into the flame briefly. Then he lit the paper on fire. It stood out against the dark.

Lance's POV

"Romelle stop!"
"What is it Lance?"
"I saw someone on the side of the road."
She looked skeptical.
"Lance its dark."
"I'm gonna take a look anyway."
"Whatever you think is necessary." Romelle stated.

A few minutes later lance called out.
"Oh My God Romelle come here!"

Keith's POV

Keith opened his eyes slowly. He was on the sofa in the purple dorm common room. Quickly sitting up in confusion, 'how did I get here?' Last he remembered he was sitting on the side of the road.

The lights flicked on.  Keith jumped. "Woah Hunk you scared me." Keith moved to make room for Hunk on the Sofa.

"I suppose you want to know what happened." He said.
"Hold on." Hunk left the room. A few minutes later Romelle came in.

"Hi Keith." She said. Keith waved.

"Me and Lance found you blacked out on the side of the road hours away from school. What were you doing?"
Keith didn't answer the question.
"How do you know that was real?" Romelle chucked a small object to Keith.
"My lighter."

Romelle stared and turned towards him.
"Keith you haven't been eating. Why?" Keith opened his mouth but realised there was little point in denying it, instead he just replied.
"How did you know?" He stared at the ground.
"Lance carried you to the car, noticed how bad you looked, noticed that he'd never seen you eat for months, he figured it out pretty quickly."

"What were you doing so far away from school anyway?" Keith asked.
"Me and Lance were driving back from our swimming race."
"He told me it was only practice."
"He's kind of self conscious about his swimming ability."
"That doesn't seem like Lance." Keith stood.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight Romelle. And thank you, I guess."
"Bye Keith. Lance is already sleeping so don't be too loud,"

Keith climbed the stairs to his room.
And saw the stuff on his bedside table. It was a KitKat bar with his all of his pills laying on top along with a note from Lance.

Hi Keith. You scared me (again) sorry we couldn't talk tonight. I was exhausted from winning my race. Sorry I didn't tell you, I don't like people knowing I swim competitively. It was kind of scarring at my old school.

As you can see I left you your pills and some food. Please, please eat something. For me. Please I thought you were dead when we saw you we thought you were dead for a second. Please Keith. We can talk tomorrow if you're ready.
XOXO Lance.

So a bit of angst this chapter. Hoped you enjoyed.

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