Chapter 15

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Lance's POV

Lance placed his phone charger in the front pocket of his bag. Picking up his phone and sunglasses from his bed.

Keith came into the room.
"Just finished packing up the instruments. We can still use practice room 3 next semester."
"That's great." Lance grabbed his hand-me-down MacBook air and put it with the rest of his stuff.

Keith looked up from his phone. "Shiro's here. Let's go." He picked up his duffel bag and jacket.

Lance and Keith hopped into the back of Shiros Toyota. He and Adam were sitting in the front seats.

"So, Adam, this is Lance." Keith introduced Lance.
Lance nervously replied. "Hi guys."
Adam waved back. "Nice to meet you."

Keith's POV

Two hours later Shiro parked the car outside of Lance's house. Keith looked out of the window, the house was a well worn 1920s building with an outdoor sofa covered in toys. A lady, who Keith guessed was Lance's mother stood by the front door.

"I'll help you with your stuff." Keith hurried out of the car.

Before Lance left he turned and spoke to Keith.
"Hey Keith. I didn't tell you this before but, my nephew Mateo has brain cancer and I needed to see him. I just thought you should know."

Keith nodded. "So that's what that phone conversation was about."
They hugged for a solid 3 minutes, then Lance took his bags and walked into his house. Keith went back to the car and drove back to Phoenix.

Lance's POV

The McClain house, normally full of warmth and joy, had a dull saddened air to it. Lance went up to his mother. Seeing her pained smile was enough to make him start crying. His mother pulled him in for a hug. "Thanks for visiting at such short notice Chico." She said.

Lance walked upstairs to his room. He put his stiff down and checked his phone. 7.00pm. He went back down for dinner.

"Sorry menores, only rice and beans tonight it's been a busy day. Muy cansada."
The bowl of food was passed down the table. Marco passed around a pitcher of lemonade.

"How's Mateo been?" Rachel asked.
"Luis is bringing him home from his doctors appointment soon." Their mother replied. "He hasn't been doing too well lately I'm afraid." After dinner the sound of the door opening made the McClain heads turn. "Mateo!" They cried. Lance bolted from his seat.
"Tío Lance!" Mateo yelled, he hopped onto Lance's lap in the hallway. Mateo had lost most of his hair but he still was the same bubbly 6 year old Lance knew and loved. He stood to greet Luis, who smiled slightly but Lance could tell the doctors appointment hadn't been easy for him.

They turned at the sound of Nadia running in.
"Papá!" She jumped into Luis's arms.
The little girl climbed out of her father's arms and faced Lance. "Hola uncle Lance. It's good to see you again." She then spoke to Mateo. "Do you want to build a house out of legos with me?" Mateo nodded in reply and ran off after his sister.

"So how's it been for you?" Lance asked.
"It's been better if I'm being honest." Luis replied. "Camille and I have taken time off of work to come back here for a bit."

Lance went back to the kitchen to help his mother clean up.

"Will dad be home soon?" He asked while drying a plate.
"He'll be back on Tuesday morning." His mother replied. "His investment meetings have had to be cut short."

That night Lance found it hard to fall asleep, so he lay on his bed for hour until he heard a sound coming from the hallway. He walked out of his room and saw Luis standing by his bedroom door still fully clothed in tshirt and jeans. "I'm guessing you can't sleep either." Lance said. His brother nodded.
"My son is dying Lance!" He cried. "Sooner or later Mateo will die. Why Lance, why me?

Lance was at a loss for words. "I. I don't know." He sat in the hall with whom he once thought was indestructible. His big brother, nearly 10 years older than him, was calling for help from Him. Lance. Luis's little brother.
They stayed in the hall together for the rest of the night.

More angst. Sorry this chapter's a bit late also comment if I got the Spanish parts wrong and I'll correct them.

Red and Blue-a Klance AU. COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora