chapter ⚣ one

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in which the bully, jeon jeongguk bullies taehyung on the daily, but one day finds a bucket list inside taehyung's coat and decides to do them with him.

2019 ®️ mintyoongae

taehyung laid on the ground, cursing at himself for going down the hallway. he knew damn well that that certain bitch was right there, but his stupid brain still decided to go, due to his next class being right in that hallway.

and of course, that resulted in him getting teased again and receiving a lovely gift of getting a hard rock fist to the face.

he rolled over on the ground while wincing at the pain shooting all across his face. goddamn it, taehyung thought. i'm gonna be fucking late for my next period. again.

he shakily got up and gathered all his things, scattered all over the ground due to the person who punched him who conveniently slammed taehyung's belongings into the lockers.

taehyung was genuinely confused. he didn't know why the fuck that certain male and his two phony friends always pushed him around all day and every day.

he would tell someone about this whole bullying situation, but he honestly didn't know who to tell.

he just didn't know what to do at this point. being so so so scared of what may happen on the next day of school, the latter didn't even want to get out of his bed this morning. the thought of him getting beaten up or even glared at by the bully was enough to make him crawl back under the warm blankets on his queen sized bed.

but of course, taehyung's parents are super strict so if he even tried to skip school, his ass would get beat real hard. but who the fuck cares right now, the latter thought. that's better than getting socked in the face, and then getting insults thrown at you like boulders.

groaning in frustration, taehyung got up from the dirty school hallway grounds, bringing his sleeve up to wipe the blood flowing down from his nose.

"why the fuck didn't you punch him harder, you fuckwad?" shouted a peculiar green haired boy, towering over a quaking jungkook. his eyes were filled with pure anger and was threatening to kill jungkook right on the spot.

"i d-don't know, i thought i did-" jungkook tried to reply, but flinched when the green-headed suddenly slammed him against the wall.

"if you don't get it right next time, you little pussy, i'm gonna beat you so hard. you're gonna regret this you little bitch," the green-haired spat, glaring at jungkook before releasing his death grip on the quaking boy's shirt.

jungkook quickly nodded his head, in fear of getting any more harassment from the male. he turned away and ran to his next class, head down in fear.

the next day rolled around, and sadly, taehyung had to go to jail—uh, school—again. he did his usual shit in the morning, then once he got inside the school, his head was high and alert.

today was different. he was going to make sure to make sure no one dares to come up to him. if he even sees the black haired male anywhere, he will for sure scream something like i fucking hate you, you coward! and then run. for his life.

he didn't even care about his favorite teacher's saying, don't run in the hallways!

today, taehyung was determined that he was gonna fight back. but boy oh boy, he didn't know what was coming next.

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