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English tayo konti sa Epilogue, ha?


Meet Madulimay.

A typical kind of girl.

Meet Sitti.

The arrogant jerk.

He loves fooling every one around .He is undeniably handsome so girls fall for his trap(hokage moves) .

He would toy them and leave them like a trash if he gets tired of them.

Meet Hero.

He is the perfect definition of perfect.

He befriends everyone around him.

He is the adviser and the most mature guy in the group.

Best in music.

Best in dancing.

Perfect package!

Most girls go over him but he does not particularly pays attention to anyone.

Meet Aliwan.

The coolest guy in the group.

He has eyes that could melt anyone's heart. He slays no matter what he'll wear or do.

He is a silent type of person.

He rarely smiles.

He only has his heart for Zasha, his first love who committed suicide.

These three hunks were childhood friends and it has been long proven that they wouldn't trade their friendship to anything in the world.


What happens if a typical girl turns their world upside down?

Who would this typical girl choose?

Madulimay and The Three HunksWhere stories live. Discover now