❀ Chapter 1 ❀

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"Good morning mom....dad! " said Luna taking a sip of coffee.

"Oh sweetheart can you please bring the newspaper and the mails, too. I forgot to take them today."

"No problem Dad, I'll bring them for yah"

"Here they are!"

"Thanks," he replied

For a moment, he remained quiet while staring at a particular letter. It was a letter from the hospital. "Dan is everything okay? Why aren't you opening that letter?" said Gina, mother of Luna.

It's a letter from the hospital Gi-Gina," replied Dan with his hands trembling and nodding so that she came to him for reading it.

Luna stayed quiet all the time looking confused. Little did she knew that the letter was about her.

After reading the letter her mother and her father remained silent for around five minutes. Then a tear rolled down the cheeks of her mother which made Luna react.

"Mom! What happened? Why are you crying? Dad why are you silent? What did that letter contain? Please tell me I'm worried," said Luna standing, keeping her breakfast aside.

"Sweetheart sit down, there's something that your dad and I have to tell you," her mom replied.

Luna took back a seat. She was somehow scared and had a bad feeling about what she will hear in the following minutes. Gina was too touched about what she just read so Dan started to speak.

" It's a letter from the hospital asking  for us,"

We arrived at UCSF Medical Hospital, one of the three most visited and renowned hospital of San Francisco.

We went to Dr.Murphy cabin.

" Please take a seat."

" Luna, do you also remember when you were younger, you easily get sick and had difficulties with your cardio. The risk of having a certain disease turned out to be positive, it is all because you are suffering from a certain disease. You have coronary heart disease. Before leaving school all students go a general check up but if we find something unusual we do some additional tests and since you're 17, we only needed your parents agreement"

Luna was on verge of breaking down. She was too shocked. She took a step back, feeling lost. She could not even say a word.

Gina stepped forward her daughter trying to comfort her but the latter just walked away leaving the cabin saying only 'I need to be alone'

  "Let her go. Patients reacts like this sometimes. Just give her some time" replied doctor Murphy.  

Luna slammed the door and took her skateboard for a ride. She was going to that only place. The place where she went when she felt down or sad or just wanted some peace of mind.

It was the bridge on the bay of the Pacific Ocean which separated downtown and the residential area of San Francisco also known as the Golden Bridge of San Francisco.

She took a seat near one of its ceiling (no wonder how she got there though) and watched the amazing view. She took a glare at her phone and saw 6 missed calls from her mom. And put it aloud to hear the voice message

"Luna sweetheart please return. We got back at home and it's getting dark"

Luna POV

I never really believe in God but for that particular moment , his thought came to my mind. Was it my punishment for doubting my faith in him? Was I so bad that I can lose my life with that sickness?

That day, for the first time I cried alone without having the warm arms of my mother to comfort me. It was cold and painful too. But after a few minutes I got hold of myself and made my way back home.


"Luna, where the hell were you?" asked Mom.

"Just here and there........I was not so far," I replied.

"You have to make your bagagge at home. There's a small detail that we forgot to add. From now on, you will have to stay in the hospital we are going to. They will have a better observation of your health. I think that you'll have daily examinations or check ups. It would be a waste of time to travel everyday so you'll have a room there. Don't worry we'll visit you everyday, " mom told me.

"Ohh....ookaay fine, I'll make it as quick as I can. We'll leave tonight, right?"

"Yeah," she finished

Made my way upstairs, I took a bag that I guessed would fit to bring all the things I needed. As I slowly started packing,tears rolled down my cheeks. I thought if I would ever get back here. Sleep in that same bed watching the stars on ceiling that I painted together with Dad when I was fifteen.

Putting my makeup in front of the same glass where I stick all my photos with the people I hold dear in my heart.

Playing with my favorite teddy bear that I still sleep with even if I'm almost entering my twenties.

Thinking back of all those old good memories made me feel kind of nostalgic but I suddenly felt some arms on my left shoulder. It was mom.

"Luna don't worry, we will be here for you. Let me help you with this. Your dad is almost ready too"

"Everything is ready, let's leave! If I stay here longer..   I won't be able to leave," I said.


"We're sorry to inform you that we got only one room left and your daughter will have to share it with someone else. Well, they will not literally share it but their room will be connected. I can assure you that she will have everything personal just like her bathroom,bed...ect." Dr.Murphy stated.

"That's fine" they replied in unison.

"WHAT! I must share my room? " i exclaimed.

"Luna, you're not really sharing.....it's just that you can see each other through a glass. It's two room connected," my parents replied.

The doctor added " This big room was made my the first owner and builder of the hospital during the Second War. There were two lover but they couldn't have contact with each other so this room was made, but nowadays we usually use it like normal rooms or when someone is donating and organ, the two patients would stay here. Don't worry Luna your room mate is nice."

"Okay it you say so"

We entered and I saw him...


 Song: All Of The Stars - Ed Sheeran (The Fault In Our Stars)

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