Chapter 3

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OMG AHHHHHHHHHHHHH OMG I am so pissed. Like seriously?? I wrote this chapter, saved it, came back to it wasn't there. So I wrote some of it again, came back and TA DA it wasn't there. So I wrote it just then, again. I was like yeah! All excited. Until my freaking laptop DIED. And of course when it came back to life, the story was not there. Like, I could have this memorized. I AM SO FREAKING ANNOYED. *Takes deep beath* Anyways.....heres an update, sorry its been a while.



What the hell?? Oh yeah, I set my alarm. I groaned. Then I remembered that it was a Monday morning. I hate Mondays. And mornings. I hate Monday mornings. With a passion. Not to mention I'm staying at my bully's house. I've already spent Sunday here and it wasn't actually that bad, considering I was only punched once and for most of the day, Nash was somehwere else. Bonus. I stayed in bed for what seemed like 2 minutes but was probably like 8. It always happens. I decided that maybe I should get up. I got some clothes and my makeup and went to the shower.


I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. Then I put some underwear on. I got my light wash, high waisted, studded, denim shorts and put them on. Then my plain black and white raglan top which I tucked in. My long brown hair hung to the bottom of my ribs and I wonder what to do with it. Ponytail? No, it makes it easier to pull. And I know from experience. I decided on a high bun. Then, I got my makeup out and started to cover up my scars, so basically, my face. I added some mascara and a touch of eyeliner. It only looks okay because I watch youtube tutorials. I sighed and slowly walked to the kitchen. I ate a peice of toast then left to my room. Or should I say, the guest room, well, whatever. In the room, there is a full length mirror on the wardrobe doors. I stood in front of it. Hating what I saw. An ugly, fat, thing. Tears came to my eyes.

Why are you alive?

Fat pig

You will never be good enough

You are ugly and worthless

No one likes you

I thought to myself. My bullies have said that to me, but I believe them, it's true. I sighed and put on some black vans, then grabbed my backpack and exited the room.

"Hey love," Elizabeth said to me.

"Oh, hi."

"Do you have money for lunch?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah," I said quickly looking up.

Pft no. I've already eaten toast today. I hardly ever eat that much these days. I feel so fat when I do. Maybe because I am.

"Would you like a ride to school? Nash stayed at Matts and is getting a ride with him, Hayes can come to and I need to drop Sky at kindy afterwards."

"Um, actually yes, uh, thanks."

She smiled at me.




"Ew, look who it is, the ugly, no fugly fat duckling," the voice I was trying to avoid said behind me. I took a deep breath. Pippa Harris.

Pippa has long ombre hair, she wears a lot of makeup, has icy blue eyes which are probably contacts, she is the most popular girl in school. I like to say that she is the most popular BITCH. It's the truth. She is the cheerleading captain and has an amazing body. All the boys want to be with her, and all the girls want to be like her. She has perfect teeth, long eyelashes, perfect eyebrows, perfect clothes, perfect everything, she sucks up to the teachers, but she is my biggest bully. Ugh, I hate Pippa Harris. Like how I hate Mondays.

I looked at the ground and continued to walk.

"Um, ex-ca-use me?" She said dramatically.

"Don't walk away from me."

"Omg, how fucking rude are you?? Can't you even say hi back? I was being NICE," She said annoyingly. Actually, she says everything annoyingly.

I kept walking with my head down.

"Can you even listen bitch??"

"Pippa, don't be so mean, you KNOW very well that she isn't capable of listening, talking, or doing anything at all, with the exception of being the biggest loser alive, keep that in mind." Karis sarcastically said.

I rolled my eyes. Karis Campbell is one of Pippas best friends. Which means she is a bitch. Think I'm judging? Well, I know she is a bitch from experience. Karis has long purple hair that ends in a pastel pink color (a/n hopefully a pic attached, bye) it's actually kind of pretty. She is pretty much known as the girl with the purple hair. Karis is in the cheer squad or whatever its called. She is kind of tanned, has freckles and has dark green eyes. She always wears pastel pink lipstick and she has designer clothes. I would say that she is Pippas closest friend. She is so mean though, like, just plain, straight up, bitchy mean.

I walked on. Big mistake.

I suddenly saw studded light blue vans and tanned legs appear next to my black vans.

"You are so fucking pathetic, you know that right?" Pippa said.

I nodded my head.

"Good, we wouldn't want you thinking that people actually like you and care about you, haha." Ugh, that fake laugh.

A crowd had formed now, all the popular people. Pippa, Karis, Taylor, Matt, Cam, Carter, Nash there were some people missing though.

"Why are we just letting her stand there?" Taylor asked.

"You know what? I have NO idea," Pippa replied.

Then she slapped me across the cheek. Someone punched the other cheek. Remember how I said that Pippa was wearing STUDDED light blue vans. Well, she kicked the back of my thigh, and those studds hurt like fucking hell. I winced my eyes shut. Suddenly I was pushed to the ground, it was unexpected so I guess I was a little winded? It was hard to breathe. I was kicked in the head. I felt dizzy. I suddenly felt something so hard against my cheek. It hurt like hell. You could say I was going through hell. It must have been Karis, you should see those rings on the back of her hand. God there's so many, and their so bulky.

"oy guys, Miss Scott is coming," I heard someone say.

"Shit, hurry run!" I'm pretty sure that was Nash.

My vision was blurry and my head was spinning.

"Who is that?" Miss Scott said.

My breathing got heavier as everything went black.


Anyways, if you enjoyed this, vote, comment and follow. I LOVE to hear what you guys comment and say. So yeah. Also, my other story "Vip tickets (a magcon fanfic)" is ON HOLD so that I can focus and write this one, because I like this one better. lol. Check that story out as well. I'm gonna need gf's for later on......but i will figure out who needs one later

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