Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes. Woah, the light is bright. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I saw a person standing in front of me. WAIT, WHERE AM I???? I looked around with just my eyes.

"Oh, you're awake, good,"

Elizabeth said.

I slowly sat up- WAIT WHAT??!! ELIZABETH???

"W-why am I here?" I asked.

"Well, you fainted at school and because I am looking after you, they asked me to come and pick you up."

"Oh o-okay."

"Do you remember what happened? You look, um, pretty bad to be honest," she said.

Then the memories came flooding back. Of course I remember what happened. But there is NO way that I'm telling Elizabeth that her son and his friends beat me up. No way.

"Uh, no."

"Okay then, get some rest, I'll leave you alone." Then she walked out.

I sighed and got out of the bed I was in, then walked to the mirror. My face had been cleaned, by the looks of it. But my leg hurts like hell. I went back to my bed and decided to get some rest.



"Stop yelling Nash, she is asleep,"

"I'm just TRYING to tell you-"

"No Nash, I'M just trying to tell YOU that maybe next time you should look out for her, did you see how beaten up she was??"

"No, I didn't see, probably because I didn't see her ALL DAY"

"Stop being difficult and just don't let her get hurt, okay?"

"Mom, I NEVER see her, you are asking me to find a random girl and keep her safe??"

"Okay, first of all, HOW IS SHE A RANDOM GIRL IF SHE IS STAYING IN OUR HOUSE, second of all, why is it such a HUGE deal??"

"It just is mom, okay, the answer is no"

"Well how is that a good excuse Nash?"

"I don't actually really care."

What a great converstaion to wake up to. Nash and his mom fighting, about me. And not in a good way. Suddenly, my door opened. I lept back into my bed like a ninja and pretended I was tired.

"You fucking idiot,"

Crap, it was Nash. What a WASTE of a ninja leap.

"How does my mom know that you were fucking beat up?? Huh??"

"I-I don't know."

"Really?? So you just magically came back to this house, magically back to this bed and magically my mom knew what the fuck happened?"

"Well, yes." I said quietly.

"You know, you are so fucking lucky that mom doesn't know it was me, so fucking lucky you loser."

He walked out and slammed the door.




I can't believe that bitch. Is she asking for trouble?

I went up to my room and texted Pippa. (P = Pippa, N = Nash)

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