Chapter 6

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•Demi's POV•

"Demi... wake up... it's time to go." I was awaken by Neymar's soft voice. I weakly got up, and he helped me to it. He kept holding me, helping me to walk to the truck. Wow, it was literally a truck. We all got in the back, and I laid my head on Neymar's shoulder again, falling asleep. I felt him lean and kiss my cheek. I opened just a tiny bit of my eye, not letting them know I did it, and saw everyone smiling at him. So they all know he has a crush on me, great.

The ride was shaky, a lot, and Neymar had a good hold on me in case I fall or I get shook too much. I was way too sleepy to think about anything right now, so I just let everything happen.

When the truck stopped, I heard Grady yell.

"We're here!! Now get off my truck and be more careful." I got up, still with Neymar's hold on me, and walked back to the hotel. It was dark, although it was summer, but in these mountains, it was dark and cold.

When Neymar got me to my room, I directly got changed in the bathroom and went to bed.

•Neymar's POV•

I waited for her on the couch in her bedroom, and when she came out, she directly collapsed on her bed.

I got out of her bedroom, and the others looked at me, smiling.

"So... what's new?" Josée asked, excited.

"Nothing... she went to bed directly." I shrugged and sat down next to them.

"She's so sleepy. It's 9 in the morning." Ellie said.

"No... what I meant was: What's new with your feelings to her?" Josée pushed a little more.

"Oh... I don't know... but I definitely feel something for her." I face palmed myself.

"And what are you doing here instead of being up there with her?" Ansel asked.

"Are you crazy? I can't make it too obvious that I like her! Plus, she doesn't believe in love, as she told me. So what's the point of making it obvious that I like her?" I concluded.

"Well, just let me tell you that you two were so cute on the way back." She said, and that made me smile.

•Demi's POV•

When I woke up, I directly put on my robe, the one that comes with the PJ's Ellie offered me, and I did my hair the same way Josée did it after the photo shoot. Yes, she taught me how to do it. I then went down the wooden stairs, and met everyone in the lobby. They were all wearing PJ's, except Neymar who was in Jeans and a white sweater.

"Morning, sleepy shaved head." Ellie greeted.

"Hey... did I sleep too much?" I asked her.

"Well, kinda, I mean, it's 11AM right now..." Neymar laughed a bit.

"Oh, sorry I didn't realize I slept for so long. I was just comfy last night." I said. In fact this was true, I was feeling comfy last night. When I said that, Neymar smiled. I sat with them at the table, and I happened to be next to Neymar.

"Want hot chocolate?" He asked me. I nodded my head yes.

"I'll go get you some. Be right back." He said and they all looked at me smiling.

"He totally likes you." They all said at once. I bit my lip and looked down awkwardly.


This was a nice weekend. Forget the part where we were lost in the middle of the woods, this was a nice weekend.

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