Chapter 13

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•Josée's POV•

Ansel and I were sitting in a big artificial swine, in the middle of the Isle Of Love of the adventure park.

"I'm so glad he could do it... I was so scared for them. He fixed her as toughly as he broke her. This is amazing how he could do it. She's made of crystal... beautiful inside and out... but you need to be careful while holding her, for she might break into millions of pieces..." I said, looking at the sky. Ansel didn't answer to that one. Thanks for listening, awesome boyfriend. I glanced at him, and he was looking at me. I warmly smiled at him.

"What?" I asked, still smiling. "Well, you kinda know the perfect words for the perfect situations and stuff..." He trailed. I knew that anyway, but it was nice to hear it from time to time. I looked in front of me, but I could still feel Ansel staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked while laughing.

"You're so perfect." He whispered. I smiled as we both leaned in. Here goes a kiss.

•Neymar's POV•

"I could never thank you enough for all of this, thanks." Demi said as we were walking hand in hand. "Baby, nothing I could ever do is worth what you gave me." I said and looked at her.

"Haha.. This is weird, but I feel like just.." She stopped to look at the sky.

"..flying out there, with nothing holding me back.." She stopped to look at me. "With only you up there with me.." She flashed me that little cute smile of hers, and I pulled her closer.

"I could arrange that.. Haven't told you what your gift was yet.." I said and looked down at her. I felt like kissing her every time I get the chance to (who told you I'm not gonna do it?).

"My gift?! What gift? Isn't that enough?!" She asked excited. And all of those white teeth, all of that beautiful grin, all of that face, those eyes, was now mine. Finally mine.

"Well, nothing's complete without a gift, right? Come on, I'll show you the best birthday gift you could possibly get." I said and pulled her by her hand. We started running hand in hand. With the speed and the wind making her hair blow, and still she looked perfect. I suddenly stopped and as she was continuing, I pulled her by her hand, causing a gasp to escape her mouth. I wrapped her arm around my shoulder, earning a giggle and a smile, and then I just made a run for it. When we were finally there, I let her take a look.

"Is that a..?" She didn't continue her sentence.

"Come on, get in." I said and opened the helicopter's door for her. She got in, excitedly, and then I joined her and started it.

"Do you actually know how to drive a helicopter?!" Demi said out loud, since the sound was too loud.

"Worth a try!" I shrugged and closed the door. I didn't know anything from that, so I guess I just pressed something and held something else, but it actually went off the ground.

"If you get us killed, I'm taking back the chance I gave you." She said while laughing, and I innocently joined, more cause I was practically scared that it might fall off any minute. Oops.

We were getting pretty high above the ground, and when I thought the distance was alright, I don't know what was that thing I pulled, but the helicopter started moving forward.

"You're doing a good jo- Whoa!" She gasped as I lost control a bit, making the helicopter turn around. "Oops..?" I said but it sounded more like a question. She rolled her eyes, and I kept on focusing.

"Where to, Mr Da Silva?" She asked me. "Eiffel Tower, Mrs Da Silva." I said and she playfully rolled her eyes while laughing. "Wait, rewind. Eiffel Tower?!" She asked again. If the door was open, she would have jumped. I'm sure.

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