Chapter 8

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I stopped somewhere I thought was good. It was a river. I let all of my tears and sobs out right there. I couldn't fight it anymore. How can I be so stupid to fall again? Every wall I had built, he broke it. Every defense I made, he took it down. Every promise I kept, he removed it. I let my guard down. I fell hard. Very hard. And I'm hurting bad. Really bad.

I got in my car again, and just sat there, letting the tears fall out. I need to forget him. But I just can't. It's hurting me too much right now. I need to re-new my promise. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'm not gonna cry. I opened my phone, and searched through my pics, until I found the quote.

Cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

I turned on my radio. Sia's Chandelier came on. I listened to the lyrics and I was feeling the tears slowly disappearing. Music really helps.

When I finally stopped crying, my phone buzzed.

I looked at the caller ID.

It was him again. Does he seriously think I wanna talk to him right now? I hate him. I really do. If I could slap him, I swear I would. I want him to fuck off. To leave me alone. He has done enough damage to me. He fucking broke me. Then it just hit me. This is crazy what I'm doing right now. I slid my finger on the screen.

"Hello?" I asked confidently.

"Demi, I am so freaking sorry. We need to talk." He said. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to let any tear escape, and opened them again.

"What for? And about what?" I stayed confident. I was gonna break down any minute, but I wasn't gonna let it show.

"About the... kiss..." he trailed. I snorted and said, "Do you think I care? Trust me, I have way better stuff to do then worry about you kissing a random girl." Wow, Demetria. You need an oscar for the best actress. He stayed silent.

"But the social media's gonna ask questions..." he said again.

"Who cares?" I said again. I was squeezing my eyes shut so I wouldn't cry.

"aren't you mad?" He asked. No, I was frustrated, Damaged and Bruised. But I wasn't gonna show it.

No longer cry. I'm a fighter.

"No, why would I be? As I said, I don't care. Plus, if we announce our official break up, I can just go back to being happy without all your fucking crap. Move on, Santos. I did." I lied through the flames burning inside of me. After I said that, I ended the call, and I closed my eyes and took in a deep deep breath. When I let it out, it hadn't been without a few tears. I was damaged, broken, and depressed.

I went home afterwards. I immediately changed into some sweat pants and a white hoodie. What do those broken sluts in movies do to cool down the pain? Ice Cream? Maybe. I went to the refrigerator and opened it.

No ice cream. Well, shit.

"Demetria... you were just that stupid to fall in love." I sarcastically smiled to myself and shook my head. I finally decided to watch a movie. I flipped through the channels. Lovestruck came on; so I decided to watch that. That break up sad song came on, I guess it's named How Can I Remember To Forget or so. I directly flipped the channel.

"Neymar Junior, Brazilian Player, cheats on girlfriend Dem-" I turned off the TV.

"Oh come on people! Trying to move on here!" I yelled to practically no one.

•Neymar's POV•

I can't believe her. She just doesn't care? Can't she at least hear me out? It was beginning to work out between us. I was so angry at the moment. Angry and kinda confused. Then out of nowhere my phone rang. Ansel?

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