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After the battle with the Earth bending bandits, Korra now recovered from her injuries prior. Began to gather their belongings, aiding Sesi in escaping the earth which continued to bind the feline. With a simple side sweep of her right foot across the barren earth, the ground which was unnecessarily disturbed before. Seemed to immediately retract, returning to ita natural smooth state. Releasing the yowling Sesi, whom as soon as he was free ran towards his master. The unconcious Aisuya whom lay amoung disturbed ground. Her once flawless face marred with heavy bruising. An injury that Korra cursed herself for. If only she was more aware. If only she had stayed close to her then maybe....maybe none of this would have happened to her. Gripping her hands into tight fists Korra tore her cyan orbs away from Aisuya. Unable to bear gazing at her mistake. A mistake that was bluntly before her. Her own weakness. Korra's very arrogance had gotten the best of her once again.

Korra always heard from others she was a very hot ramped girl. Even as a child she always seemed to punch now and ask questions later. Earning her mant lectures and discipline whenever caught in the act. Yet being the Avatar had to some sense given Korra no filter. Yes she did sugar coat somethings to appease others but when it came to things such as combat and her bending abilities.. It was just something Korra always excelled in. She knew she was the best, after all the was the Avatar. Natually gifted for all to see amd dote upon. But because this Korra felt no one could surpass her in combat.

Especially bending. My if anyone even dared challenge Korra in battle. She would merely shrug her shoulders and entertain them. Toying with them using her advanced fighting and bending skills. All the while sometimes Korra would lash out showing off her raw power for all to see. Sometimes relishing in their looks of awe and some even fear. Knowing there was no way they would ever end her. And yet it was that very cockiness that had continued to get Korra into trouble. Causing her to be taken off guard to things around her, almost as if she had tunnel vision. Only able to see the prey before her very eyes. Completely unaware of the chaos happening around her.

It happened with all Korra's past enemies. They had seen that cockiness of hers, bent it to their will. And overall using it against Korra time and time again. You would think she would be able to reign in that side of her. That almost dark side of her that knew nothing but victory. But she couldnt. Like her achillies heel, it was Korra's weakness. One that she knew continued to scar over but never fully heal. And yet Korra continued. Falling for the dark ploy, allowing her enemies to overcome her. Bringing her to the breaking point all because of her own devices.

Korra gritted her teeth before turning her face upward to the sky above. Allowing a single tear the sliver down her cheek. Once again her own darkness had made itself known to her today, clouding her judgment. Causing Aisuya to become injured. It was Korra's fault. She was the Avatar. Aisuya was her responsibility, not the other way around. And to see that once again Korra had failed to protect someone, brought the young woman to tears. That emptiness that continued to burden Korra deep within her beginning to slowly have its way.

The negativity lurking in every corner. Waiting. Retracting, crawling, awaiting for its chance to grab hold of the troubled Avatar. And once again bring her into the very pits of darkness. One that she would never be able to crawl her way out of. For Korra would forever remain in the tendrils of the dark, the negativity spreading to her very soul like a wild fire. Extinguishing anything that every truly resembled the Avatar. All that would remain would be a mere husk of the person it use to be. Finally giving into the darkness within her. For so long Korra had fought it.

Kept the darkness at bay within her own soul, but how long...just how much longer could she last? Where there is light, there will always be darkness. Every waking moment for Korra was a walk into darkness, threatening to swallow her whole the moment she awakened. And yet she fought, the might of her own will and the Avatars of old radiating through her. Had allowed Korra to fend off this entity, but now with her connection to Raava nearly severed. Korra was vulnerable, and she knew it. Continuing to shed tears Korra released a bellow into the air. Calling out to Raava once more.

Sobbing into the air, stating she could not do this alone. That this was simple too painful for her to endure. Korra's screams echoing throughout the forest, causing many of its native birds to flee the forsest due to the sudden bellow. Their many rapid chirps filling the air as well. Yet even so, Korra knew her words fell on deaf ears. No one would answer her cries. Raava had abandoned her, and nothing would ever change that. Slumping to her knees in despair Korra sobbed, banging her fists into the ground until she bled.

Yet unknown to her once again Raava had never left her side. Her white illuminating form surrounding the sorrow filled woman. Causing the light spirit great pain at the mere sight. " Oh Korra." The Motherly Raava whispered as she wrapped her white ribbon like appendages around the young Avatar. Knowing that she was blind to her presence, even so Raava embraced Korra. Hoping and praying that somehow, someday Korra would once again open herself up to the spirit. Able to fully embrace herself and her destiny which continued to unfold. Almost sobbing herself the light spirit herself peered up towards the now darkening sky.

Signalling to all that night was soon approaching. And even so Raava prayed. She prayed for a miracle to unfold before her. To somehow lighten the path more for Korra which she could not. It was then that the mark of Raava which remained etched into the back of Aisuya began to stir. Giving off a dim light which soon increased dramatically. Now pouring from the very back of the maiden whom remained unconcious. Blinded by the sudden light Raava peered towards Korra whom seemed to be completely unaware of the events.

The light continued to pool from Aisuya's back, before taking the form of a tall man. He gave off an almost monk like aura about him. The sudden wish to be at peace and one with nature flowing through Raava herself as she gazed upon the man. He remained silent a moment before noticing Aisuya beginning to stir. The young Sesi lightly nugding her to the side so that she faced the glowing man before her. Her eyes were swollen and unfocused, yet even so the same warmth Raava felt began to wash over Aisuya. And the desire to be one with nature becoming almost overwhelming for the young woman. She released a ragged breathe before extending her right hand towards the glowing man.

His smile warm, and as radiant as the very sun itself. The silent man held his hand out for Aisuya, the moment her hand landed in his a wave of pure happiness and one bathed Aisuya causing her to gasp at the sudden act of peace. One she had never felt in all her life, not even with Raava. "You have nothing to fear now. I will guide you here on out." The man stated his voice oozing with nothing pure honesty which brought Aisuya to the brink of tears.

She believed him, though she had never layed eyes on him before. Aisuya felt as if she knew him somewhere, down in her very soul. The man smilef once more towards Aisuya bidding her to rest. For in her dreams the two would continue their conversarion. Aisuya nodded towards the man weakly as Korra was suddenly by Aisuya's side. A regretful smile on her lips as she gently swept Aisuya off the ground and onto the back of Sesi. Careful to be gentle with the injured woman, holding Aisuya closely as Korra gathered the rest of their belongings and climbed on top Sesi. Gripping onto the harness, and Aisuya. Korra allowed the feline to begin his prowl through the night.

Careful not to run too fast, now more aware of their surroundings. Yet even so Korra still had not witnessed the entity of the silent man. Whom now awaited within Aisuya's very dreams. Hoping to give a message to she and the Avatar as well. One the silent man believed would be the push that the young Korra needed to push forward. Even so the Silent Man believed in Korra, he knew the day was soon approaching. The day of reckoning, and Korra would stand tall and face her enemies. But she would not be alone. No. And she never would again. Korra simply did not know it yet.

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