Ms. Blackout

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West eyed the scissors and glue lying on her desk, his arms crossed, unwilling to withdraw them from her chest. For math this morning, he was assigned a sheet to paste into a composition notebook. Though, West had only bought spiral notebooks, and refused to take one of them Baldi had supplied for her. So, his notebook was different from everyone elses. 

Baldi shook his head, staring at her with disappointment. He found himself reaching West's desk. "Do you not understand the material on the paper?" 

To be honest, he didn't. At all. "I don't know." She shot him an indirect answer, to which he sighed, and he frowned with annoyance. He hated all his spectators right about now. If he had the chance, he really would  ̶s̶l̶a̶p̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶  out of him with his ruler. 

"You should really try asking for help more often. It makes all the difference in your education!" Baldi suggested. West shrugged lamely in response. "I don't really think it matters in little grades. Once you get to big grades, then it matters." Baldi rose an eyebrow, curiosity crossing over his features. What a discovery...West was willing to voice her opinions. "Well, you know..." He started, "All the stuff we're learning now, you're going to still need in the higher grades. It's just gonna harder from here!" 

He didn't believe a word her professor spoke. "Yeah right! I'm not gonna use times in the real world!" He was referring to multiplication. "In the higher grades, you learn useful things! Not in  these grades!" 

Baldi chuckled pitifully. "You are in for a rude awakening when you get older..." 

Poor West scoffed. She immaturely plugged his ears with two of her fingers, to signify that he didn't care bit about what Baldi had to say, and she definitely didn't care to listen. His teacher walked to his own desk, smirking a little. Her actions must have gave him a bit of reason to enforce some sort of punishment, eventually. Patience was key, however. If teachers didn't have patience, this classroom would be far from traditional. 

As West attempted to entertain himself, searching the room with her eyes and studying other students he'd never spoken to, the bell resounded throughout the room. Baldi grinned as he watched each of his students hurry out the classroom. "That's time for physical education!" He announced. 

The children waddled in a shifty line to their specials class. In the gym, their instructor, Ms. Blackout, was prepared for their rival. She wore a deep violet t-shirt and her long raven hair flowed down her back. Her bangs cross over one of her sickly orange eyes. The other, invisible, radiated with a gold swirl coloring. 

"Hello class! Be prepped for your daily 10 minute run, it is required for you to run at least 6 laps before time runs out! Go!" She screeched. She was ready to get right down to business, like always. 

All others were quick to race around the pathway of the court, even the slow paced children, though West took her sweet time reaching his physical education coach. Her lap number by the end? Four. Four laps. Upon reaching Ms. Blackout, her expression was the definition of pissed. "What's your explanation fort not being able to keep up, huh? I gave you a simple milestone. In 10 minutes, you could run a mile. " 

Behind his back, however, was a can of grape soda from her lunchbox. Ms. Blackout's eyes glowed a vermilion color, as she snarled, clearly ready to blow her top and charge at any moment. 

At just the correct timing, West had his shot. As the teacher lunged at her, angered, he revealed the irritated grape soda, which opened and spurted in her face. She shrieked, West fleeing the room with all her determination and willpower. A physical education coach could obviously run. Further than his inexperienced, yet supple frame could ever carry itself. 

Temporarily blinded and knocked further back, Ms. Blackout was stunned for a mere moment. once she recovered, however, she darted for the double doors. "WEST WINTERS!" 

West could hear the teacher's calling, but she didn't dare reply to it. He rounded corners, jumped obstacles, and did whatever she could to find the door he longed for. Ms. Blackout was hot on her trail, as if she could sense his direction. Though, West found it. 

The Principal's office. 

She pounded on the door, surprising the reserved fellow on the other side. "Mr. Kennith!" He screamed. "Open up!" The Principal rolled his eyes at West's nickname. At least this way, he could tell who was asking his attention. He pried open the door only slightly, just as the P.E. teacher turned the corner, a look of panic befalling the child at stake. "I told you, I prefer to be called-" 

West was suddenly pushed forward through the door by the nimble adult chasing her. West stumbled a bit, but was quick to regain his feet. "Coach Blackout wants to talk to you bye!"

With that rushed statement, she sprinted back out into the hallways to return to gym class. 

Ms. Blackout eyed the him curiously. "Kennith?" She questioned. He shrugged. "I really haven't the slightest idea." They sat in silence for a moment, unsure of what to say. "So, you've been hiding here, then?" 

The Principal averted his eyes. Hiding? People really did find him secluded. Like...a hermit. "I just haven't been out lately. Starting conversations isn't my specialty." Ms. nodded in understanding. "Well, anyway, that kid bailed on my class and drenched me with soda..." She pouted. The principal chuckled. "Classic West. I thought they were bluffing when they said they would find the missing pieces...guess I was mistaken." 

Ms. Blackout ears perked up. "The missing pieces? What do you mean?" She asked. "Oh, just trying to find me some friends, I suppose. I can't believe this was the only way they thought to do it...maybe I'll get them to make up that two hours afterschool detention." 

"You're saying you got a child to try to get you people to hang out with?" The Principal nodded timidly. At this, the coach howled with laughter. "Well! I've heard of that before but...only in movies and books! How silly!" 

"Yeah...I thought so too. Until it, y'know, worked. Kind of." Ms. Blackout blinked rapidly. "Huh? Oh yeah, okay. I don't know. Sure, I guess we can be friends." The two sat in silence for another moment. The friendship would slowly build itself up...I'm sure. 

"So, that's two hours afterschool detention, then?" The coach checked. "Uh, yes, that will work." "Good." "Cool." 

Ms. Blackout made her way back to the gymnasium, but leaving the room called back to her colleague. "Oh, wait, Mr. Principal?" His head rose, making a signal that he was listening. "do you think you could start doing the announcements again? It would be refreshing to hear a clear and calm voice on the intercom, and not what we have from our ladies in the office now." 

He laughed. "Yes, of course. I'll let the ladies know I'll be taking over for a while." 

"That's a relief! See ya!" A smile appeared on the Principal's cheeks. He'd made... a friend. "Goodbye." 


@SkyeBlackout2 thanks for allowing me to use your character! If you have other Baldi's basics OCs I could use, especially teachers, please let me know! I'd like to include them. 

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