Untitled Part 6

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All the office ladies gathered around the announcer, purely in awe. The Principal cleared his throat, shifting his focus from those focusing on himself.

What was the big deal? He was feeling a bit odd seeing people stare at him as he waked through the hallways once more. The math advanced teacher, Viktor, actually had stopped him in the hallway this morning to tell him all about what people had been sharing about him. 

"Those who never knew you considered you a recluse. We all assumed you were taking some time off first, but after you leaving us for such I time, well...we thought you'd be quitting, or perhaps had come down with some disorder. It was mysterious and unexplained,  but we'd just ignored it when you decided to stay. Why'd you quit patrolling the halls, sir?" 

He wasn't sure how to respond, to be frank. "I...thought nobody would notice, I suppose." He muttered, as his gaze wandered to the floor. "I'm an office worker...it's Baldi's schoolhouse anyway, is it not?" 

Baldi. He'd almost forgotten about Baldi. How had he been managing classes, what did people think of him after all this time? Maybe he'd visit him in short notice, at his free period, perhaps. 

They used to be so close. 

"Yes, sure, but...without you, Baldi isn't Baldi...you went hand in hand, almost, with you patrolling the halls Baldi was much more fun and less...well, filtered." Viktor sighed. The Principal raised an eyebrow. "Filtered?" 

"I don't know, sir...it seems like the bond you used to have has faded away. It's like you were never truly associated, but he had the same passion. Nobody else has that passion." Viktor tried to explain. "With you cutting yourself off to the halls, it seemed like you lost it. So now, there's Baldi, the only one famous for that specific goal...it's like he wants things to be better, but doesn't know how to go about it anymore. He can manage things well, but he no longer has discipline and it seems like any day he doesn't snap and kill us all is a victory."

The Principal blinked, expressionless. "Hasn't he always seemed harmless before taking on discipline?" 

"Discipline no longer exists. Day by day, his patience wears thinner. I don't know when, but something bad is going to happen, sir. Not anything like before, giving in quickly, who knew it was fit...something awful. I don't trust him." 

The Principal didn't think Baldi was like that. Baldi was a teacher, he knew what he wanted and he pursued it rightly. 

"Maybe you're jealous." His monotone voice did not display empathy. He hadn't seen Baldi in awhile, why didn't he believe Viktor? He didn't understand why he refused to believe anything negative about Baldi. Maybe he wasn't prepared for the news. 

It took Viktor by surprise. "I beg you're pardon?" The Princiapl chortled. "Oh, I thought as though you were a mere altercation of his former self, apparently, as all. I could only think he improved, and you're simply jealous you're unable to live up to the standards of the successors before you. The fact that you have no trust in him is laughable, since you rely on him completely for your own image." 

Viktor felts shaken. "I..." He was speechless. His lips curled into a frown, with a sort of grave realization in his features. Maybe expressing even some concern. He looked down, turning away. 

"I'm...glad you're doing well..." 


I gave up lol but here's a part I didn't publish 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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