III | Reunion

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Aphmau's POV

The stack of books were glowing, melding into one. An ancient looking tome worn down by age. The leather cover was weathered and the pages poking out of were just as dejected. Lo was gaping at it, bewildered, but it seemed as though Lucinda somehow understood what had just happened.

"Clever." Lucinda murmured.

"That Enki was." Lizzie mused.

"Now for the other twenty-two, right?"

"If you insist." Lizzie sighed.

= = =

It took only a few minutes for there to be five ancient looking books stacked on top of one another.

"Are you sure these are the only important ones?" Lucinda asked doubtfully.

"I'm sure." Lizzie replied impatiently, "Now collect your prize and let us leave this forsaken place."

"Where are we going?" Aphmau wondered as Lucinda grumpily moved the books into her bag.

"The town."

"On this island?" Aphmau bit her lip.

"What did you do?"

"They aren't very fond of witches." Aphmau began.

"Really? I never would have guessed." Lizzie answered sarcastically, "Just get me close and I'll be able to find him."

"Him? Who's him?"

"You'll see." Lizzie smirked.

She had a mischievous and familiar glint in her eye. She looks like Alina, Aphmau realised with a jolt. I mean, she is technically my sister, but still...

"Don't you want to put something warm on?" Lo inquired.

Lizzie looked down at her summer dress.

"I almost forgot."

Her whole body started to sparkle, and the dress disappeared. She was now wearing light blue winter gear, with her hair done up in plaits. Even without the gown though, she still looked otherworldly.

"How's this?" Lizzie asked.

"Good." Aphmau smiled.

Lizzie's POV

It was a long trek through the snow. The others were silent, but their minds were whirling. Aphmau's kept looping back to an image of two small girls, with the names Alina and Lilith. Were they her children? The Irene Lizzie remembered didn't have children. Carefully she poked into Lucinda's mind, which she could sense was moving at a thousand miles an hour, but the witch's internal voice growled 'Get Out'. Lizzie did. It was their mind and if they were skilled enough to protect it, go them. She would keep out. If they weren't however, then it was easy pickings. She didn't even bother trying Lo's whose was surrounded by a mental thorny barrier. She briefly wondered what he had to hide, but really it was Aphmau's problem, not hers. She had to focus on finding Jasper and Willow. It was strange, because as they were twins, they were usually together, but she could only sense one of them on the island, and that was Jasper. She knew that he had been awake longer than she had, but not by much.

"We're here." Aphmau announced.

They were atop a small hill on the outskirts of the village.

"Good. Lucinda, Lo, go get ready to leave. Aphmau, come with me."

Lizzie set off towards the village without waiting to see if they would do what they were told. She already knew that they would.

"Who are we looking for?" Aphmau inquired, catching up to her.

"His name is Jasper. Dark Brown hair. Blue eyes. Should look around my age."

"Okay." Aphmau nodded.

= = =

They got some strange looks from the villagers as they wandered further towards the heart of the town. Finally, Lizzie spotted him. He was dressed in relatively fancy clothes, and was being shown around by a man with dark hair wearing a brown set of snow gear.

"Oh no." Aphmau muttered.

"What 'oh no'?"

"That's the village leader, Asmund. We aren't on the best of terms."

"You always make things harder." Lizzie sighed, stalking towards Jasper.

Jasper was looking at the surrounding buildings, looking rather bored, when his gaze flicked back towards the front and he spotted her. His face lit up.

"Lizzie!" He exclaimed running towards her.

She felt herself smile and embraced him warmly.

"I thought you weren't here." He said breaking away.

"I literally just woke up."

"That would explain it. Willow went to find help on the mainland." Jasper lowered his voice, "I'm posing as a visiting noble."

"Why would anyone noble visit this hellhole?" Lizzie pointed out.

Jasper laughed.

"Excuse me miss, I'm going to have to ask you to step away." The man Aphmau called Asmund demanded.

"She's a friend." Jasper interjected.

"I'm afraid she's still going to have to step away."

"Not this again." Lizzie rolled her eyes.


"As you wish." Lizzie teased.

Smiling, the bolted down a street, dodging people, followed by the shouts of Asmund and Aphmau's footsteps. This is just like the old days, she smiled.

A/N: Sorry I took so long in updating once again. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading! :)

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