IV | A Friend and A Home

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Lizzie's POV

It wasn't that hard to get away from the villagers and regroup on a hill overlooking the wharf. It was easy compared to what it used to be. But their troubles weren't over yet. Although they had Jasper, they still had to find Willow. Their power was amplified by having all three of them.

Lucinda and Lo were waiting for them.

"Is this your friend then?" Lucinda asked, eyeing Jasper.

"Yes." Lizzie replied simply.

"I'm Jasper. Nice to meet you."

"You too. I'm Lo, by the way."

"Lucinda." She replied shortly.

Jasper shot a glance at Lizzie.

"Security issues." She mouthed.

He nodded.

"Where's Aph?" Lo inquired.

"I'm here." Aphmau panted.

"You're slow." Lizzie commented.

"Compared to you."

"Hmm. And which one of us spent the past centuries locked in a tomb?"

"You." Aphmau murmured.

"So where are we going next? We have no way off the island." Lucinda gazed at the wharf.

"You underestimate us." Lizzie smiled.

"Fine. You have a way off the island, but where are we going next?"

"To find Willow of course."

"Who's Willow?" Lo wondered, clearly confused.

"My twin." Jasper explained.

"And how does that help us?"

"Our power is amplified when we're together. We're almost unstoppable." Lizzie answered.

"And then after that."

"To see Aphmau's daughters."

"Um. Why?"

"Because they are my nieces." Lizzie turned to Aphmau, "You don't mind, do you?"

"No." Aphmau's brow was furrowed, like she was thinking hard.

"Good. Then we can get out of this hellhole."

"How?" Lucinda challenged.

"Just be ready to jump on." She smiled, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Her and Jasper turned to face each other. Their eyes began to glow and their bodies began to change. They grew scales, wings, claws, tails. They shape shifted into dragons.

"What do we do?" Lo squeaked.

Dragon Jasper and Lizzie roared in unison.

"Are you trying to attract attention?" Lucinda hissed.

Dragon Lizzie tilted her head.

"What do we do?" Lo repeated, more desperate now.

"We jump on." Aphmau replied simply.

She carefully clambered onto Lizzie's hard dark blue back. Lo followed her on. Lucinda climbed onto Dragon Jasper. Lizzie found this amusing. Lucinda clearly didn't trust her.

"Are you ready?" Aphmau whispered to her.

She snorted. There was no need for her to sound so patronising. She lifted her wings and soared into the sky. Below, the townspeople were panicking, scurrying around like little ants. She roared once again, just to scare them, before flying off into the sunset, or technically the midday. The sun wasn't actually setting yet but it sounded a lot more poetic that way.

= = =

The sun was setting by the time they reached an island familiar to Aphmau.

"There." She told her, pointing at what looked to be a very busy civilisation, "That's the Phoenix Alliance Capital."

Careful not to scare these townspeople, Lizzie landed softly at the edge of the dock. Of course, people still ran away and screamed, like most smart people would. She was a dragon after all. Aphmau and Lo slid off her back and she shifted back to her human form. Jasper had done the same. By that point, the only people left were two unfamiliar men, and... WILLOW!

"Sis!" Jasper called out at the exact moment Lizzie recognised her.

He ran towards her joyfully, followed closely by Lizzie. The embraced in a group hug, all just overjoyed to be together again. When they broke apart, Aphmau was talking with the two men. Nothing they had finished with their hug, the brown haired one addressed them.

"Mum tells us you are Divine come here to help with our problem."

"In a way, yes." Lizzie answered politely.

"Where do you live?" The blonde one inquired.

"We don't live anywhere." Willow replied softly.

"You mean, you don't have a home."

They all shook their heads. The two men exchanged a glance before the brown haired one answered.

"Well, consider this your home now."

So sorry about the gap between chapters. I know I say this every chapter, but my everyday has been so chaotic lately. Thanks for reading, and thanks for almost 100 reads! :)

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